Target Award
Award Description:Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Fnd) - BAHF
Alternative Exit
Alternative Exit
Alternative Exit
Programme Offerings
Educational Aims of the Course
1. To provide a programme in the rigorous study of written and performed texts as a platform for original, creative writing; 2. To enable the student to acquire skills in analysing and exploring ways in which narrative, language, theme, character and milieu operate in the student’s own original creative writing; 3. To introduce the student to the dynamics of textual production and engagement with audience, specifically with regard to style and genre and in so doing, develop their ability to find audiences and markets for their writing in the world of work; 4. To deploy an understanding of the techniques employed in the published canon and demonstrate an awareness of the professional standards required to attain publication, production or performance in the world of work; 5. To enable the student to become rigorous, critical and analytical in their thinking while nurturing their intellectual and creative potential, particularly developing an individual's ability to contribute to group sessions in a constructive fashion, giving and receiving criticism and responding with redrafted texts and to support this learning through a diversity of teaching methods and forms of pastoral care. 6. To encourage students to engage with the development of employability skills by completing a self-awareness statement.
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge of a range of written texts in the English language from diverse literary and non-literary forms and genres, and representing all forms of publishing media;
To reflect productively on their own processes of thought and creativity;
To analyse arguments and make reasoned judgements in a variety of contexts;
Communicate effectively in a variety of written forms, and especially to display the ability to express abstract thought and to construct reasoned argument in writing;
Gain effectiveness in oral communication, including the ability to articulate ideas to other members of small groups of peers, and to listen actively and respond to the ideas of others;
Work both independently and as part of a team;
Organise tasks and manage time, producing work of a professional standard;
Contextualise and theorise their own working practices
Reflect critically on their own draft and completed work
Assimilate material accurately and at appropriate speed, managing workload with a view to acquitting themselves in the world of work;
Interact constructively with other members of work groups, with sensitivity to the group dynamic and achieving predetermined goals from group sessions in preparation for the collaborative practices encountered in the world of work;
Understanding of the impact of writing technique in the writer achieving their intent, or otherwise;
Formulate long term plans and manage their strategies for completing a self-determined project, producing work for a chosen audience within specified frameworks such as time limits, word limits and prescribed formats, and with an awareness of financial realities;
Construct methods for generating, managing and realising original ideas, for selecting projects, and for judging outcomes;
Rigorously appraise the extent to which their intentions have been achieved and adapt their behaviour and goals, at all times maintaining a heightened sense of pride and ownership in and of their writing.
Awareness of changing literary and cultural formations, with particular reference to genre and audience;
Knowledge of appropriate concepts, methodologies and terminology which provide a critical and theoretical framework for study;
To analyse and criticise both published and original writing of both the student and peers;
To engage with a range of stimuli to original writing;
To use a range of creative skills and techniques across the forms taught
To bring critical reasoning to bear in a range of contexts;
To research and make discriminating use of informational and stimulating materials;
Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Teaching is through lectures, seminars, workshops and tutorials. Learning is acquired through participation in lectures, seminars and tutorials, private study (which involves reading, thinking, writing and researching topics with guidance from tutors) and undertaking exercises and formal assessment tasks which serve to structure thought and creativity and to encourage the assimilation of ideas and knowledge. In general: Lectures serve: to introduce issues, explain particular concepts or outline theoretical approaches; to situate a particular topic, text or issue in the context of the wider concerns of a module; to present a series of alternative readings, arguments or critical approaches; to locate arguments and readings within the context of intellectual debate in the field; and to stimulate the student to respond creatively. Seminars provide an interactive forum in which students can: expand on, investigate and debate issues raised in lectures and in a module overall; undertake detailed reading, original writing and discuss original and/or published texts; grow in confidence and skill in participating in discussion and exchanging ideas; develop their articulacy, quickness of thought, ability to communicate with others and produce original ideas; and learn ways of dealing with disagreement or difference of opinion, particularly in workshops where ideas and original writing will be challenged. At Level 3, all students belong to tutorial groups where a tutor works with personal tutees to offer an integrated series of intellectual discussions, advice and information sessions, skills teaching, and a structure for personal and academic development. At Level 4, students will attend an intensive and partly residential module which develops their teamwork skills and increases levels of trust amongst the peer group. The residential takes place early in the first semester of Level 4, and the benefits of it are profound. Students bond with their peer group and gain confidence from the mutual trust that begins here and grows in workshops throughout the programme. Here at the beginning of their studies, students learn to respond to writing briefs and to perform their work in front of their peers. The residential helps each cohort form a group identity, which plays an important role in student retention and performance. Level 5 and 6 modules provide different forums for learning: workshops where students take greater responsibility for selection and presentation of materials than in a lecture + seminar format; and individual tutorials and dissertation supervisions where students have an opportunity to work on a particular topic, or on particular knowledge- or skills-related issues, with a tutor. A variety of forms of assessment are used both formatively to develop learning and summatively to measure achievement: critical essays, portfolios of long and short exercises, reflective commentaries, oral presentations and class contribution. Each level of the programme offers a varied diet of forms of assessment. In the main, students are assessed on creative work, fiction, poetry and scripts and treatments and on reflective writing in which they consider the reading that informs their writing and examine their creative processes. Students are assessed in each module on their participation. Alongside this, the programme includes assignments such as critical analysis essays, which ask students to read poetry, prose or scripts as writers. Students have assessed presentations a couple of times in the programme. Assignments are designed and set by module leaders and marked by tutors teaching on the module. A representative sample of each assignment, which will include work from each degree class, is second marked. Module tutors discuss the mark spread in each assignment and where necessary alignment is agreed through discussion. The module leader is responsible for recording and writing up the moderation process. We are always as flexible as we
Programme Structure
Programme Structure Description
This course commences at level 3 with a foundation year of study to introduce students to university level study and prepare them to engage fully with their discipline at level 4 by introducing them to creative practice, the creative industries and creative and media literacy. The programme lasts four years … For more content click the Read More button below.
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Entry Requirements
A levels
Alternative qualifications considered
International Baccalaureate
Other international requirements
HECoS Code(s)
(CAH19-01) English studies