Target Award
Programme Offerings
Educational Aims of the Course
The programme aims to develop the knowledge, skills, and behaviours to prepare learners for senior leadership and strategic management roles. It provides learners with a holistic view of business using both theoretical knowledge and practical application. The central underpinning themes of the programme are transformation; both individual and organisational, and sustainable business practices. In addition, learners’ digital skills will be developed and enhanced to increase impact within these themes and the programme. As such, the curriculum aligns to emerging social and business approaches to maximise the impact learners can make individually, organisationally, and societally.
Learning Outcomes
Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Modules will normally be delivered in block release format with 3 days of teaching per 10 credit module. This will be in a hybrid format with 2 days delivered in a face-to-face setting and 1 day delivered via synchronous or asynchronous learning. Days of teaching will be broken down into 2-3 hour sessions. The University’s VLE (Canvas) will be utilised to allow teaching and additional supporting materials to be readily available off-site and provide a means for participants to maintain contact. A strong emphasis is placed on recognising that the workplace is an important place to learn, learners will integrate key concepts and theories, assessing the impact of these on their own working environment and reporting back on their findings. In addition, the teaching approach will utilise a ‘flipped learning environment’. The flipped learning approach provides learners with materials including articles, journals, and videos to engage with prior to the class. Learners are then required to complete set activities and questions and bring their learning, research, and answers to the classroom ready for discussion. This ensures that class time can be used for deeper and more meaningful learning and debate and maximises learning opportunities. A variety of technologies may be used to support this including videos, interactive simulations, an online survey or quiz or taking part in collaborative online discussions via the VLE. The flipped learning environment allows for the face to face teaching experiences to probe learning and development through facilitation suited to the executive education experience. An important element of the programme is the opportunity it provides for participants to apply their learning to organisational situations. The fact that learning is applied, rather than being purely theoretical, is of crucial importance to students, since their roles empower them to make a contribution to, and impact on, their organisation. This approach is supported by the sharing of understanding which draws on the group experience. The importance of peer learning, essential for professional and experienced management practitioners, is also developed through the use of action learning sets as a supportive and collaborative approach enabling issues and challenges from the workplace to be discussed and peer reviewed by colleagues on the course. This approach also provides a forum for students to bring ideas, thoughts, issues and actionable remedies to the fore. One of the key intellectual skills necessary for success on the programme is the development of a critical approach. Classroom sessions are devised as an interactive, student-centred experience with group activities playing a large part in the learning experience. Participants will be expected to undertake work on their own and, given the applied approach to assessment, this will demand a degree of self-management and resilience to manage a full time senior leader work role with part time study. Where specific software packages are used, there is an expectation that these will form part of the assessment submission, whilst other skills will be embedded in specific modules. The core management competences of allocating priorities and time management are supported by clear submission deadlines, with protocols for extenuating circumstances.