Target Award
Award Description:Bachelor of Science with Honours - BSH
Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)
Programme Offerings
Educational Aims of the Course
The programme aims to provide a professional education which takes account of all the relevant professional and academic benchmarks and produces a Registered Nurse (Adult) who is compassionate, proficient, and confident whilst enabling them to be able to deliver care in a range of clinical environments. They will be able to practice safely and effectively. This will occur through an education that will: ensure that students can demonstrate they have the required proficiencies for registration; provide students with the underpinning knowledge and skills in health promotion, protection and prevention of ill health; ensure that students will have the underpinning knowledge and skills to assesses and initiate person-centred plans of care; equip students with the underpinning knowledge and skills required for their role in providing and evaluating person-centred care; equip students with the underpinning knowledge and skills required for their role in leading and managing nursing care and working effectively as part of an interdisciplinary team; provide students with the underpinning knowledge and skills required for their role in contributing to risk monitoring and quality of care improvement agendas; equip students with the underpinning knowledge and skills required for their role in coordinating and leading and managing the complex needs of people across organisations and settings. Alternative Exit/ Interim Award Learning Outcomes - Certificate of Higher Education in Healthcare Studies A student who is eligible for this award will be able to: Demonstrate that they have achieved the required standard of proficiency for progression point 1. Alternative Exit/ Interim Award Learning Outcomes - Diploma of Higher Education in Healthcare Studies A student who is eligible for this award will be able to: Demonstrate that they have achieved the required standard of proficiency for progression point 2.
Learning Outcomes
Practice in accordance with the NMC Code of Professional Conduct.
Demonstrate the ability to identify ones own learning needs and utilise a personal development plan (PDP) to meet individual goals.
Critically appraise research findings and evidence to inform strategies that promote health and the delivery of nursing care to adults.
Promote partnership-working through skilful team, inter-professional and multi-agency collaboration.
Develop and document care to achieve optimal health and rehabilitation across the lifespan for people with complex needs.
Adapt to changing health needs and make decisions which are ethically sound and based on best available evidence.
Demonstrate a fundamental understanding of pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics as applied to a range of conditions.
Collect, interpret and communicate data to identify risk and ensure patient safety.
Apply the concepts and principles of integrated working in the health care context.
Develop team working and emerging leadership skills.
Reflect on one's own practice to improve performance.
Critically examine legal, ethical, cultural, professional and political issues underpinning health needs and adult nursing practice.
Demonstrate effective communication through written and verbal methods in a coherent manner.
Evaluate risk management strategies that promote a safe and therapeutic environment.
Contribute with confidence comprehensive and systematic approaches to assess, plan, implement and evaluate care.
Evaluate nursing care to adults in partnership with patients/service-users and/or their carers.
Demonstrate appropriate leadership, communication, support and direction to team members in delivering efficient quality care.
Critically appraise ones own leadership skills and their application within the contemporary health and social care context.
Identify and appraise learning, teaching and assessment strategies as applied to a variety of contexts.
Interpret data required for safe and accountable practice.
Apply knowledge to situations demonstrating sound judgement in decision making.
Identify the parameters of practice and work within own sphere of competence.
Critically examine the biological, psychological, social and pharmacological element of adult nursing care across the lifespan.
Demonstrate personal resilience.
Effectively utilise literacy, numeracy and information technology skills.
Identify and act on risks to safeguard vulnerable people.
Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of human factors and its application to the role of the student nurse in safety and quality care.
Accurately undertake the calculation of medicines, their safe handling, and administration and documentation within the recognised sphere of responsibility.
Support patients to provide self-care to optimise their health and well-being in a range of settings.
Demonstrate proficiency in the delivery of person centred care across a diverse range of client groups.
Teaching, Learning and Assessment
The learner is encouraged to undertake independent study both to supplement and consolidate their learning, and to broaden their knowledge and understanding of the subject. Further support is provided by the Library. Intellectual skills are developed through the programme by the methods and strategies outlined below. Analysis, problem solving and reflection skills are further developed through role-play, tutorials, simulation work and practice placement experiences. The programme utilises a variety of teaching and learning approaches that are designed to motivate and inspire students. These include, but are not exhaustive to; Lectures Seminars Tutorials Work based learning OCSE Practical The programme incorporates a blended learning approach where learning is facilitated through a range of teaching activities, and supplemented by access to information and out-of-class interaction via the University’s Virtual Learning Environment. Tutors exploit resources and techniques to encourage student engagement and interaction, for example through the use of electronic classroom voting systems, simulated learning, small group work and discussion. Practical skills are developed through the programme by a combination of experience in the practice setting, simulated practice sessions, skills practice, reflection sessions, seminar and scenario-based presentations, individual and small group tutorials, discussion groups, lectures, workshops, learning packages and computer assisted learning. Practical skills are assessed in practice placements by means of achievement of module learning outcomes for practice, contained in the Practice Assessment Documentation (PAD). This approach is complemented by the use of OSCEs and scenario based tasks and case studies. Practice simulation opportunities are also provided in the skills laboratories. Testing the development of intellectual skills is managed through a combination of assessments that include examinations in the form of multiple choice questions and scenario based short answer questions, assessed in-course assessments in the form of reports, essay assignments, practice assessments, project work, reflective accounts and presentations. The programme assessment strategy utilises a wide range of assessment methods to ensure that students are able to demonstrate their skills and knowledge related the module learning outcomes. These include, but are not exhaustive to; Essays Case Studies Reflective accounts Practice Assessment Documentation (PAD) Examinations Simulated Practice Each module contains both summative and formative assessment tasks to enable students to develop their skills and receive feedback throughout the module. Assessment activities reflect the professional culture and needs of the nursing profession. Hence there is a strong reliance on methods that relate to reflexivity, evidence-based practice and consideration of ‘real-life’ situations. Assessment tasks are varied and scheduled across the calendar year. Students are encouraged to regard assessments as a part of a dialogue between themselves and their tutors that will inform their academic development which will allow students to identify their own strategic learning needs. The Faculty is committed to enabling students to achieve their maximum potential by embedding inclusive and accessible assessments.
Programme Structure
Programme Structure Description
Validated alternative exit awards are:
120 credits at level 4 Certificate of Higher Education in Healthcare Studies.
120 credits at level 4 and 120 credits at level 5 Diploma of Higher Education in Healthcare Studies.
Students must achieve 2300 hours theory and 2300 hours practice by the end of the … For more content click the Read More button below.
Completion of Programme: Students on the programme will be deemed to have completed the programme when they have achieved 120 credits at Level 4, Level 5 and Level 6, and completed the required number of theory and practice hours.
Students must complete a declaration at four points in the programme, which are; at the start of level 4, level 5, level 6 and at the end of the programme. LJMU will then complete confirmation of eligibility for the NMC Register and students are then able to enter the register. Students must register their qualification with the NMC within 5 years of the award.
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Approved variance from Academic Framework Regulations
The classification awarded would be worked out using 80 credits marks awarded at level 5 and 80 credits marks awarded at level 6. (Approved 20/11/20) Students will not be expected to complete Future Focus. (Approved 20/12/19) Students cannot be given a third attempt (either an Exceptional Second Referral or Final … For more content click the Read More button below.
Entry Requirements
A levels
Alternative qualifications considered
Other international requirements
HECoS Code(s)
(CAH02-04) nursing and midwifery