
Target Award

Award Description:Bachelor of Arts with Honours - BAH
Alternative Exit

Educational Aims of the Course

The programme is a vocationally-orientated course, which will consolidate existing knowledge and prepare students for a variety of Creative Imaging associated practice. The course aims to ensure that the student achieves the academic and practitioner standards as laid out in the QAA Benchmark Statements relevant to Art & Design. All modules on the course are rated at honours level. The aims of the programme are: To offer a programme which enables HND graduates the opportunity to develop their creative potential and design ingenuity within a Creative Imaging context by addressing sequentially more demanding intellectual issues which are relevant to Honours level study. To provide a flexible range of modules which can be integrated to stimulate and foster aesthetic, product, consumer and global awareness understanding and expertise. To offer a programme which responds flexibly to the requirements of the design industry by evaluating, reviewing and updating course content and its relationship with the market place. To promote a genuinely inter-disciplinary ethos which establishes a common language for the convergent technologies within the Creative Industries. To offer a course which provides the tools to satisfy the demands of suppliers, designers and users within the Creative Industries.

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

The acquisition of knowledge will be achieved through a combination of lectures, seminars, workshops, tutorials, group work and independent study. Practical skills are developed by studio practice, demonstrations, project work and seminars (external/internal speakers). The practical and theoretical modules serve to develop knowledge and understanding of concepts and theories applicable to broad areas within the creative industries. Assessment (Summative & Formative) of knowledge and understanding is through a combination of seminars, dissertation, studio practice. oral presentations, problem solving exercises, and practical projects. Intellectual skills are developed through the teaching and learning programme. Critical analysis and problem-solving skills are embedded in all modules and are taught, developed and practised through workshops, tutorials (individual and small group),group crits., formative assessment and practical project work. Experimental studio based, research and design skills are further developed and practised through a broad range of coursework activities and practical studio work. Individual feedback is given on all work submitted. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are normally assessed by studio practice, experimental research and design skills, measured by portfolio, display/exhibition, oral presentations and write-up/recording. Professional practical skills are taught and developed through the programme's practise based, theoretical and experimental components which include practical studio sessions, project work and research. Experimental design is taught via lectures seminars and workshops. Transferable and key skills are taught, developed and practised throughout the teaching and learning programme and are assessed primarily through written reports, practical coursework, group critiques, displaying/exhibiting work and oral presentations.

Opportunities for work related learning

It would be anticipated that students would seek and secure some form of work within the creative industries during their studies. The college has established ‘The Design Centre’, giving students opportunity to work on ‘live’ assignments across a number of creative disciplines. The ethos is to work mostly with existing design studios, completing assignments that help with their access workload, not to diminish income. The Design Centre is offered on a voluntary basis within the college with successful student uptake, providing opportunity for commercial and procedural experience. The opportunity facilitates students to plan, develop and implement appropriate creative process using evolving and traditional technology.

Programme Structure

Programme Structure Description

The programme offers a broad contextual framework within which students can explore diverse and relevant media. All students are encouraged to develop their skills attributed to previous studies in a framework that encourages creativity through research and development to enhance their area of specialism. The programme normally has a span … For more content click the Read More button below.

Entry Requirements

Alternative qualifications considered
Other international requirements