Target Award
Award Description:Master of Science - MS
Alternative Exit
Alternative Exit
Programme Offerings
Educational Aims of the Course
The programme aims of the advanced health care practitioner programmes are adapted from Department of Health (2010) . More specifically, the advanced health care practice framework and specific routes aim to develop clinically autonomous practitioners that: Have highly specialised and highly developed knowledge and skills ( beyond those required for professional registration) that encompass the breadth and depth of current and future professional practice. Accept the full responsibility for providing those services, hitherto undertaken by others, in defined circumstances. Are able to enhance practice support and educational development of all healthcare practitioners across all levels of practice.
Learning Outcomes
Develop an in-depth knowledge and critical understanding of advanced practice within the scope of the critical care environment.
Recognise the boundaries of advanced professional roles.
Articulate the legal and ethical frameworks in which the advanced practitioner works.
Demonstrate how they are both utilising and influencing research and evidence based practice
Explore, critically review, consolidate, extend and apply a systematic and coherent body of knowledge relating to the advanced practice and the assessment, management of health and illness in the critical care clinical setting.
Recognise the boundaries of advanced professional roles.
Articulate the legal and ethical frameworks in which the advanced practitioner works
Interpret data and the application of this in making strategic choices to influence policy and processes.
Develop critical reasoning, creativity and originality of thought.
Effectively and appropriately make decisions and problem solve in situations of uncertainty and complexity.
Demonstrate emotional intelligence.
Develop in depth knowledge of the pathogenesis of disease processes, integration of the clinical manifestations of disease to the relevant pathophysiological mechanisms, and the subsequent relationships to assessment, diagnosis and clinical management.
Recognise, extend and advance the boundaries of the professional role through horizon scanning activities.
Identify, apply and disseminate research findings relating to advanced practice.
Critically analyse quality systems in their area of practice and initiate activities for improvement.
Supervise the clinical practice of the team and ensure safety through risk assessment and management.
Select, organise and critically evaluate new data.
Identify, define and analyse complex problems and apply appropriate knowledge and skills to their solution.
Communicate ideas effectively with professionals, peers, and service users.
Function effectively as professionals able to operate in a changing environment.
Utilise the potential of multi-disciplinary perspectives found in the workplace to enhance problem solving through debate with others from a variety of backgrounds.
Devise a suitable research methodology and competently apply appropriate data analysis techniques to investigate work-based problems.
Demonstrate advanced clinical reasoning, critical thinking and creative problem solving in the assessment and management of health and critical illness.
Critically examine and analyse the evidence-base material related to advanced practice within the context of the critical care clinical environment.
Critically analyse a number of leadership theories and have the ability to make sound judgements as to their application in the working context.
Critically examine and analyse a variety of issues intrinsic to the advanced practice role development.
Critically analyse how comparative health policy influences the local health services, and determine their own influencing of the health policy agenda at national, regional and local level.
Critically analyse the factors that are imperative to organisational development and design.
Critically evaluate the various models of practice both healthcare and non-healthcare and demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses of their use.
Teaching, Learning and Assessment
The teaching learning and assessment methods will be appropriate to the modules. They are designed in such a way as to ensure the student can fully benefit from the potential to enhance their knowledge and skills. The methods used will consist of interactive lectures and presentations including use of Panopto, tutorials, seminars, workshops, and enquiry based learning techniques such as action learning. Canvas and e-mail will form a strong component of several of the modules. Self-directed study will be expected and encouraged. The programme will be assessed via Seminar Presentations, Critical Reviews, Essays, Research Reports, OSCE's, Vivas, Strategy Formulation, and Critical Examination In addition to those already identified above interactive materials will be used for Problem Solving activities. There will also be examinations and the dissertation.
Programme Structure
Programme Structure Description
Master of Science in Advanced Healthcare Practice (Critical Care) Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Health Care Practice ( Critical Care) route (Alternative exit award) 120 credits to include 30 credits 70102PQHEA Research Methodology, Methods & Data Analysis and 30 credits 70092MMADV Advancing the Critical Care Practitioner. In addition to a choice … For more content click the Read More button below.
70002HMADV may not be taken together with 7004NAPPG
70002APAPP may not be taken together with 7001NAPPG .
Level 7
Approved variance from Academic Framework Regulations
The following variances are approved 1) 7100NPAPP Independent and Supplementary Prescribing - all components of the module must be passed including those contained within the practice competency. The examination element (weighted at 40%) has a pass mark of 80%. The numeracy assessment (written examination) within the practice / competency element … For more content click the Read More button below.
Entry Requirements
Alternative qualifications considered
HECoS Code(s)
(CAH02-04) nursing and midwifery