Partner Details

YPC International College (Kolej Antarabangsa YPC)


Target Award

Award Description:Master of Science - MS
Alternative Exit

Programme Offerings



Educational Aims of the Course

• To produce graduates who are able to: - apply the knowledge and skills of managing organization using integrated computer-based information systems (E-business Systems) - understand and apply the nature, importance and complexity of the effective management of technological systems - have the skills that enable them to operate effectively in e-business environment - further develop the analytical, creative, problem solving and research skills - have comprehensive understanding, critical awareness and ability to conduct evaluation of current e-business technology management research issues - have advanced, conceptual understanding, underpinning career development, innovation and further study - show high level of ethical and professional values - complete and publish research

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Teaching and Learning on the programme is via lectures, tutorials, problem solving sessions, seminars, workshops, computer sessions and participation in projects. Assessment strategy for the programme includes a combination of examinations and coursework assignments requiring the submission of reports, essays, computer-based projects, and a research-based dissertation.

Opportunities for work related learning

Work-related learning is included within the programme so students have the opportunity to engage in real world projects and activities. In doing so, students will be able to apply and further develop their knowledge and employability skills. Work-related learning may take different forms, the most common being: simulations of workplace activity and employer-driven case studies.

Programme Structure

Programme Structure Description

The Postgraduate Diploma and Postgraduate Certificate are alternative exit awards and do not recruit directly. The qualifying criteria in respect of these alternative exit awards are specified within the Academic Framework Regulations. 7501YPCM Research Methods must be studied before module 7500YPCM Dissertation commences and it must be passed before the … For more content click the Read More button below.

Entry Requirements

Alternative qualifications considered