
Target Award

Award Description:Master of Research - MR
Alternative Exit
Alternative Exit

Programme Offerings



Educational Aims of the Course

To provide a research programme with a structure, content and approach based on the study of health and wellbeing which encourages students to think beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries in constructing and undertaking a masters level research project. To provide a relevant, coherent and intellectually stimulating experience which will encourage students to deal creatively and systematically with complex issues. To enable students to develop a range of analytical skills and theoretical concepts relevant to the study of health and wellbeing. To enable students to develop the capacity for original, independent and critical thinking. To enable students to develop skills in scholarly presentation, documentation, evaluation and communication of ideas commensurate with work at postgraduate level. To enable students to develop the ability to identify and access appropriate bibliographical resources, archives and other sources of relevant information. To enable students to understand current developments and critical interventions at the forefront of research around health and wellbeing, so that they can demonstrate a knowledge of recent advances within the relevant fields and evidence a broad understanding of the context in which their research takes place. To allow students to develop originality in defining, tackling and solving problems in the development of a research project.

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Teaching and learning will take place through a combination of lectures, small-group seminars, online, workshops, and one-to-one tutorials and focuses on theoretical and methodological material along with research methods. These will be explored in discussion and through feedback on written and oral presentations. Assessment of knowledge and understanding is primarily through coursework. Intellectual skills are developed through a combination of teaching methods and assessment tasks. Formative assessment of intellectual development is through a variety of assessed tasks. Assessment is through written coursework; oral presentations; research project/dissertation. The promotion of key skills is achieved through all modules which teach the organisation of research, communication of ideas both individually and in group work, effective use of research resources, and presentation of research findings in a range of appropriate formats to meet specified deadlines.

Opportunities for work related learning

The programme provides the basis for progression to PhD and a range of transferable research skills. The programme develops a range of transferable, work related, skills. Some students may also use their employment base for their fieldwork. Employers can also support employees by sponsoring bursaries - in this case students may conduct research on a work related area.

Programme Structure

Programme Structure Description

The programme has been designed to promote a coherent learning experience with progression via modules which have been designed to reflect broadly agreed teaching aims at each stage. Progression is achieved through modules that are delivered both concurrently and consecutively. The alternative exit award - Postgraduate Certificate of Research - … For more content click the Read More button below.

Approved variance from Academic Framework Regulations

The following Variance was approved 08/05/22: Module 7002MRESHW requires both assessments to be passed (the examination assessment is marked as fail or pass) in order to successfully complete the module

Entry Requirements

Alternative qualifications considered
Other international requirements

HECoS Code(s)

(CAH15-04) health and social care