Partner Details
Yunnan Agricultural University
Target Award
Award Description:Bachelor of Science with Honours (Fnd) - BSHF
Alternative Exit
Alternative Exit
Programme Offerings
Educational Aims of the Course
To provide for all students a defined academic programme of study with clear learning outcomes through diverse learning and teaching methods, and assessment strategies. To provide students with a wide knowledge and understanding of core subject matter to enable them to pursue a career in animal medicine (zoology) related employment. To enable students to acquire a high level of practical, analytical, surgical and research skills in animal medicine (zoology). Encourage students to develop critical, analytical problem-based learning, and transferable skills to prepare the student for graduate employment. To develop a familiarity biological information technology, and develop communication, analytical and reflective skills necessary to enable students to undertake independent study, and to participate in professional development and lifelong learning. Enhance graduate employability by providing students with the knowledge, skills required to gain careers in animal medicine or other areas that demand well developed critical thinking, professional practical, analytical and transferable skills.
Learning Outcomes
Evaluate, utilise and present fundamental facts, concepts, principles and theories of animal medicine (zoology) through the study of molecular, cellular, physiological and anatomical processes, genetics, evolution and behaviour of animals.
Develop an ability to analyse, synthesise and summarise information, including published research or reports, in a critical manor.
Apply knowledge and skills of animal medicine (zoology) to address unfamiliar scenarios.
Obtain and integrate several lines of evidence to formulate and test hypotheses.
Design, plan, conduct and report on investigations, which may involve primary or secondary data.
Obtain, record, collate and analyse data using appropriate techniques in practice or laboratory settings, working individually or in a group, as is most appropriate for the subject under study.
Undertake practical and/or laboratory investigations of animals in a responsible, safe and ethical manner.
Use and interpret a variety of sources of scientific information: textual, numerical, verbal and graphical.
Prepare, process, interpret and present scientific data, using appropriate qualitative and quantitative techniques, statistical programmes, spreadsheets and programmes for presenting data visually.
Communicate scientific information effectively in written, verbal and visual forms to varied audiences.
Cite and reference work in an appropriate manner, ensuring academic integrity and the avoidance of plagiarism whether intentional or not.
Demonstrate competence and progressive development in the basic and core experimental and practical skills appropriate to the study of animal medicine (zoology).
Use the internet and other electronic technology critically as a means of communication and a source of information.
Develop the skills necessary for independent lifelong learning e.g. working independently, time management, organisational and team working skills.
Identify and work towards targets for personal, academic, professional and career development.
Recognise and discuss the complexity and diversity of animal anatomy, form and function.
Develop an understanding of the ethical and other issues relating to animal welfare and demonstrate familiarity with veterinary and animal research laws and welfare regulations.
Recognise the moral and ethical issues of investigations and appreciate the need for ethical standards and professional codes of conduct.
Develop a systematic and analytical approach to solving problems.
Demonstrate the ability to understand animal clinical diagnosis and treatment and management and prevention and control of animal diseases.
Discuss the interdisciplinary nature and professional application of animal medicine (zoology).
Recognise and apply zoological theories, paradigms, concepts or principles.
Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Knowledge and understanding is promoted through a range of diverse taught sessions including lectures, computer based sessions, workshops, practical laboratory sessions and clinical and surgical sessions, problem based learning and independent study. Knowledge and understanding are assessed in a variety of ways including: written examinations, oral examinations, laboratory and experimental reports, essays and critical reviews, data analysis, case studies, seminar and poster presentations. Intellectual skills, are developed though all levels of the program. For example, applying theories and concepts; analysing and synthesising information critically; integrating evidence; applying knowledge and recognition of moral and ethical issues are developed in all modules with an increasing emphasis through the levels of the programme and culminate in the level 6 Research Project. Written exams, laboratory reports, A range of examination questions (e.g. essays, interpretative questions) and a wide variety of coursework including: laboratory and fieldwork reports; critical reviews; data analysis and interpretation exercises; seminar and poster presentations, assess ability for these intellectual skills. Practical and professional skills are taught during laboratory sessions, during visit and practice sessions at the onsite animal teaching hospital and in workshops. Core principles and minimum standards of practical work are introduced at level 3 and 4, and are further developed through level 5 where more specialist skills are also introduced. The Research Project in level 6 introduces an opportunities for students to apply these practical skills independently. These core practical and professional skills are assessed through written exams, practical reports, on the spot tests and assessment of practical laboratory skills. Transferable and key skills are inherent within the programme, but specifically they are taught in core modules at all Levels (Skills and Presentations at Level 3; Fundamentals of Scientific Research at Level 4; Research Methods at Level 5, and the Research Project at Level 6). These transferable and key skills are assessed through assessment activities at all levels, in all modules and specifically in the modules mentioned above.
Programme Structure
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Entry Requirements
Other international requirements
HECoS Code(s)
(CAH03-01) biosciences