Target Award
Award Description:Bachelor of Science with Honours - BSH
Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)
Programme Offerings
Educational Aims of the Course
In partnership with practice and community stakeholders, the BSc Hons level the programme aims to provide: A contemporary approach to the development of the Specialist Practitioner in Community Children's Nursing who will be fit for practice, fit for purpose, fit for award and fit for professional standing. Academic rigour that meets the requirements of: LJMU; the Nursing and Midwifery Council; the Quality Assurance Agency; and the National Standards for Specialist Practice in Community Children's Nursing The resources, skills, knowledge and evidence base to change their practice by transferring their existing professional knowledge , skills attitudes and values to the community context; develop their role through working in partnership with children, young people, parents and other professionals, agencies and stakeholders; enable them to work as a Specialist Practitioner in Community Children's Nursing who is a member/leader of a multi-disciplinary/multi-agency team; work from a health and well-being -focused perspective recognising health as a positive resource and life-long process. The opportunity to achieve competencies in relation to the search for and stimulation of awareness of health needs, influencing policies affecting health and facilitating health enhancing activities. The opportunity to develop the knowledge and understanding they will require to enable them to meet the needs of neo-nates, children, young people and families at, or closer to home; this will include children and young people who have acute health care needs as well as those with long term conditions, disabilities or palliative care needs. An appreciation of the importance of effective discharge planning to support the provision of seamless care between hospital and home. An understanding of life-course transitions and the additional support children and young people with continuing care needs will require during their journey from birth to young adulthood and transitions between services. An understanding of their roles and responsibilities in safeguarding children and young people and promoting their mental health and well-being. Opportunity to develop the ability to use a continuum of public health practice within their role. An awareness of the importance of addressing health inequalities through the re-orientation of existing services and the planning and provision of new ones. Practice experiences that are relevant, underpinned by the philosophy of the programme and enable the student to develop clinical effectiveness and deliver high quality health care. Opportunities to meet the competencies of the offered Specialist Practitioner in Community Children's Nursing fields of practice. A dynamic and high quality educational experience relevant to the Specialist Practitioner in Community Children's Nursing. Opportunities to work in a critical, analytical and reflective manner and to provide them with the opportunity to acquire life-long learning skills. Graduate skills and knowledge to lead, innovate and contribute to the evidence base of practice. Opportunities to develop their leadership qualities and abilities in a range of complex settings and contexts. Cognitive and practical abilities to continue to develop a level of critical and strategic thinking, which can be communicated to others in order to enable them to work successfully with uncertainty. Skills and expertise necessary to develop as inspirational role models and mentors of other practitioners seeking to achieve higher levels of competency in Community Children's Nursing as well as agents of change in the development of Community Children's Nursing Services.
Learning Outcomes
Critically examine the role and responsibilities of the Specialist Practitioner :Community Children's Nursing
Analyse and interpret the legal and ethical frameworks in which the Specialist Practitioner: Community Children's Nursing works.
Critically analyse and evaluate
Interpret data and apply these to make strategic choices to influence policy and processes
Use diagnostic skills, problem solving and clinical judgement
Demonstrate and exercise independence of mind and thought
Make decisions in uncertain and complex situations
Anticipate and predict potential critical incidents
Demonstrate an understanding of political influences on practice documents
Critically appraise research documents
Demonstrate competence in the role of the Specialist Practitioner: Community Children's Nursing
Analyse the public health agenda in the context of community care
Retrieve, sift and select information from a variety of sources and apply findings to their area of practice
Apply concepts and principles of leadership
Effectively deliver and manage care to meet the needs of all children, young people and families at or closer to home; this will include neonates, children with long term conditions and disabilities, and children requiring palliative or end of life care.
Demonstrate sound clinical judgement and decision making skills, including paediatric clinical examination and recognition of acute and minor illnesses in children and young people.
Demonstrate skills in change management and development of practice, including influencing skills; working with stakeholders and developing a case for service development.
Enable children, young people and families to participate in the evaluation and development of services.
Lead a team working in collaboration with multi-professional and multi-agency colleagues
Work in partnership with carers and service users to plan for discharge from hospital, provide holistic and appropriate care at home and support the life-course transitions of children and young people.
Follow policy and procedures relating to safeguarding the health, well-being and development of children and young people and the protection of vulnerable adults.
Demonstrate safety and competence in nurse prescribing (for eligible students).
Analyse and interpret data and information sources
Communicate ideas effectively using a variety of media
Manage time and work to deadlines
Participate constructively in groups
Work independently and be self-reliant
Find information and use information technology
Apply principles of numeracy
Use research methods critically
Critically examine the health and social policy agenda underpinning the role of the Community Children's Nursing
Critically examine leadership and management theory and its application in practice
Critically examine the role of the multi-professional team and multi-agency working
Recognise the value of working with other professionals, agencies and stakeholders to deliver, develop and enhance services for children, young people and families.
Critically examine the principles and practice of nurse prescribing (for eligible students)
Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Practice Assessment; Essays; Community Health Needs Assessment; OSCEs; Exams ; Research Proposal ; Transition or Discharge Plan and Presentation; Case Study ; Service Development Project Interactive lectures and presentation, including video, practice related activities, informal quizzes, tutorials, seminars, group exercises, enquiry based learning techniques, learning through practice, simulation, Canvas and email, self directed study, use of reflective diary.
Programme Structure
Programme Structure Description
The programme for this award is delivered at level 6 (undergraduate). The programme is offered as full-time (40 weeks) unless the student is undertaking the optional V300 Independent and Supplementary Non-Medical Prescribing when it will be 52 weeks full-time. The course is 50% theory and 50% practice. The Practice Evidence … For more content click the Read More button below.
Level 6
Approved variance from Academic Framework Regulations
A variance has been approved for 6100NPAPP that all components of the module must be passed including those contained within the practice competency. The examination element (weighted at 40%) has a pass mark of 80%. The numeracy assessment (written examination) within the practice / competency element has a pass mark … For more content click the Read More button below.
Entry Requirements
Alternative qualifications considered
HECoS Code(s)
(CAH02-04) nursing and midwifery