Partner Details
Target Award
Programme Offerings
Educational Aims of the Course
This programme has been designed to reflect ISDC’s mission and values in terms of creating a pioneering programme in Art and Design for the Indian market. Rather than create a more traditional practitioner-based programme, ISDC has set out to create problem solvers and solution finders for the next generation leaders in Communication Design thinking.
The MA in Communication Design is a transition programme aimed at upskilling the many BBA graduates in India, to enable them to contribute to the management of a broad and growing range of Art, Design and Communications businesses.
Learning Outcomes
Teaching, Learning and Assessment
ISDC provides a learning environment where students actively participate in the learning process and take responsibility for their work both individually and as members of collaborative group projects. Students are expected to assume a high degree of autonomy in their work and direct their own learning process. This will take the form of leading or making meaningful contributions to design outputs, preceded by independent preparation through course work and completing class assignments.
All modules of the MA Programme will be delivered with a high degree of application of knowledge built into the learning experience. This involves the delivery of lectures, complemented by independent student work both in the form of individual and group- based collaborative projects and assignments. Engagement with real in-house projects is central to developing the students’ analytical skills and problem-solving ability and enhancing their employability.
Acquisition of knowledge is achieved mainly through lectures, seminars and practical problem-solving sessions. Students are expected and encouraged to be independent and curious learners and to take an active role in their learning through debates, discussions and student led presentations. Students are also encouraged to attend professional body talks and visits and where possible, engage with the broader industry.
The assessments are designed as part of the learning process to enable students to apply the tasks to their chosen specialist area. Students are encouraged to experiment, collaborate, and reflect on performance and outputs. Both individual and group feedback on the assignments adds to their knowledge base. Work created contributes towards the student’s individual portfolio.
Assessment of the knowledge and skills base is through a combination of assignments, presentations, the production of artefacts and the dissertation.
Intellectual skills are developed through interactive seminars and lectures of the taught modules, and through problem-solving and assignments. These skills are further developed in the dissertation module, which is supplemented by the teaching of these skills in the Project Development module. The skills of self-appraisal, collaboration and critical evaluation are an integral part of most assessments, and feedback on these assessments is an integral part of the learning process. Intellectual skills are assessed through a combination of practical and reflective assignments, and the dissertation report.
Professional skills are developed throughout the programme mainly through class discussion, interactive seminars, the dissertation, and engagement with the profession. The assessment of professional skills is mainly assessed through written and creative assignments and presentations.
Transferable skills are taught throughout the programme, in all learning activities. Transferable skills are assessed throughout the range of assessment methods.
Across the full MA programme students will complete assessments for the four 30 credit modules, before embarking on the specialist project, which carries 60 credits.
The assessment load consists of either a single assessment or two pieces of assessment. Where two pieces of assessment are used, the principle of broadly equal weighting across all learning outcomes, has been applied. Thus, where two of four learning outcomes is assessed via an assessment mode, the weighting is 50/50. Where a single learning outcome of four is assessed, 30% is allocated.
Assessments have also been designed to provide students with an opportunity to build a portfolio of students own original work and design thinking, which they can use to showcase their work to potential employers, which interests also serves to effectively design out plagiarism. In addition, written assessments will be put through plagiarism detection software.