Partner Details



Target Award

Award Description:Master of Arts - MA
Alternative Exit
Alternative Exit

Programme Offerings



Educational Aims of the Course

To provide a critical and analytical framework for students to engage with academic concepts, theories, debates and research in the multidisciplinary study of education in the globalised world. To equip students with a critical awareness of key theoretical debates and issues enabling them to develop an advanced understanding and an evaluative and ethical position in relation to education and social justice issues. To provide a range of learning activities and experiences as a critical context for intellectual development enabling students to critically engage with research in a way that is applicable and relevant to their own academic and practice context. To enable students to reflect on and challenge their own and others' values and assumptions in order to promote socially just policy, and inclusive and ethical practice in education

Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate systematic knowledge and critical understanding of theories and concepts appropriate to the study of education, globalisation and social justice.
Critically examine educational policy and practice in complex and unfamiliar situations through systematic, ethical investigation.
Manage time effectively.
Demonstrate Self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems and the ability to act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks.
Identify dilemmas and ethical dimensions in complex and unfamiliar situations and acknowledge positionality in these contexts.
Analyse and critically evaluate data from a wide range of reliable sources to develop knowledge and critical understanding.
Research and present findings using appropriate methods of investigation.
Use knowledge of different philosophical views of education to inform critical debate about its role in a range of national and international contexts.
Demonstrate practical understanding of how techniques of research and enquiry are used to create an original interpretation of knowledge in relation to the study of education, globalisation and social justice.
Explore the implications of relevant theory, research and policy in the context of educational governance and practice.
Demonstrate critical awareness of the role of educational policy and practice in addressing social justice issues in the globalised world.
Plan an appropriate investigative project that involves elements of education and globalisation as fields of study.
Synthesise ideas based on study, reflection and/or experience, to create responses to problems that expand or redefine existing knowledge.
Challenge own and others' values and assumptions in order to promote socially just policy, and inclusive and ethical practice in education
Synthesise effectively and communicate the outcomes of a study in ways consistent with relevant academic conventions.

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

The development of students' knowledge and understanding involves the provision of a range of online lectures, seminars, workshops, small group work and tutorials, along with self-directed study. These are supported by key sources/references including appropriate texts and policy. All assessment is coursework, which may include essays, reviews, case studies, portfolios, reports, digital presentations, proposals and research based projects. Assessment methods are specific to each module and assessment methods are specified in each module guide. The development of intellectual skills is achieved through the critical exploration of theory, research, policy and approaches/potential approaches to practice in education, by self or others. Intellectual skills of analysis, evaluation and reflection on philosophy, policy, globalisation, educational theories, and current - or future practice, form the intellectual process of the programme. Assessment of intellectual skills includes the use of independent project work, critical reviews of policy and education practice in relation to theory and current research, written assignments and digital presentations. The development of transferable skills are incorporated within modules and related to relevant assessments as appropriate. Building on the student’s experiences as they advance through the programme, delivery begins with a largely instructor-directed approach and gradually moves to develop a student-directed learning approach in later levels, culminating in students engaging in independent research, supported by the academic team. This approach leads to more independent learning and direct student responsibility for their learning. A range of appropriate online teaching methods are used across the programme including: - Lectures - Seminars - One-One & Group Tutorials - Workshops - e-Learning - Directed Independent Study - Group Work - Online Discussion Forums - Assessment e-Workshops

Opportunities for work related learning

This programme is designed for students wishing to continue their postgraduate studies in education and also for students already in practice in a range of settings. Students will be supported to negotiate an appropriate setting to carry out their research dissertation if required. The programme team will always be keen to guide and support students with exploring opportunities to complement academic studies in education, contextualised in global perspectives.

Programme Structure

Programme Structure Description

The award MA Education requires 180 credits from all core modules (7521MEDI, 7522MEDI, 7523MEDI, 7524MEDI, 7525MEDI, 7506MALED & 7507MALED). The award Postgraduate Diploma Education requires 120 credits from the following core modules (7521MEDI, 7522MEDI, 7523MEDI, 7524MEDI, 7525MEDI & 7506MALED). The award Postgraduate Certificate Education requires 60 credits from any of … For more content click the Read More button below.

HECoS Code(s)

(CAH22-01) education and teaching