Acquisition of knowledge is achieved mainly through lectures and directed student-centred learning. Student-centred learning is used where appropriate resource material is available. Understanding is reinforced through case studies. Testing of the knowledge base is undertaken through a combination of coursework in the form of case study reports and assignment submissions and, where appropriate, short class tests. Intellectual skills are developed through case studies and coursework assignments. Open-ended reports and project work are designed to permit students to demonstrate achievement of all the learning outcomes in this category. Analysis and problem solving skills are assessed through a combination of unseen written examinations, assessed in the form of case study reports, coursework assignment submissions and an individual project. Subject practical skills are developed in a coordinated manner throughout the programme. Professional skills are assessed through case studies, coursework reports and through research reports. Transferable skills permeate every activity within the programme content and assessment. Specifically, these skills are assessed through case studies and coursework, and their application is embedded within the self-management process of the Research Project. Student engagement in the learning process is key to the programme, and the University has an attendance monitoring policy to support this. The development of employability skills and attributes including entrepreneurship, the value of real world learning, the growth in digital technologies and the nature of the global context are aspects that have been adopted across all core modules, and opportunities to develop specialist skills, knowledge and behaviours is offered through optional module selection and the individual Research Project. Consideration of equality and diversity matters are embedded throughout the programme. The programme team promote equality, treating everyone with equal dignity and worth, while also raising aspirations and supporting achievement for people with diverse requirements, entitlements and backgrounds. An inclusive environment for learning is fostered to anticipate the varied requirements of learners, and aiming to ensure that all students have equal access to educational opportunities.