
Target Award

Award Description:Bachelor of Science with Honours - BSH
Alternative Exit

Programme Offerings



Educational Aims of the Course

1. Formulate an action plan for professional development. 2. Gain knowledge, skills and understanding to meet the specialised needs of patients, clients and users within the a range of Nursing settings. 3. Develop skills in problem solving, information retrieval and research for evidence based practice. 4. Develop an awareness of ethical and legal issues in Nursing. 5. Examine a variety of research methods used in Nursing. 6. Develop specialist skills in Nursing practice. 7. Develop and refine interpersonal skills related to leadership. 8. Further enhance international perspective associated within Nursing.

Learning Outcomes

Critically examine legal, ethical, cultural and political issues.
Develop care to achieve optimal health and rehabilitation across the lifespan for people with complex needs.
Utilise information technology to assist in the organisation and management of care.
Contribute with confidence comprehensive and systematic approaches to assess, plan, implement and evaluate care in partnership with service users and their carers.
Adapt to changing health needs and make decisions, which are ethically sound and based on best available evidence.
Demonstrate appropriate professional discipline, organisation, presentation and standards of conduct.
Select and apply knowledge and skills to complex and unexpected situations.
Develop self-management skills and take initiative for planning to meet own needs and facilitating those of others.
Demonstrate effective leadership and communication skills.
Analyse the impact of relevant contemporary Nursing protocols.
Use critical reflective processes and continuing professional development.
Critically examine the biological, psychological, social and pharmacological elements of care.
Analyse and interpret relevant health promotion and education to promote wellbeing across the lifespan.
Analyse the value base inherent within the multi professional team.
Critically appraise research findings and evidence to inform strategies that promote health and the delivery of care.
Analyse care needs and collaborative solutions, which enable safe, effective care.
Evaluate risk management strategies that promote a safe and therapeutic environment.

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

A range of learning methods will be used throughout the programme. Elements include formal lectures, tutorials and seminars within groups and individually, portfolio construction. The use of a robust virtual learning environment support s a range of the learning and engagement tools. Formal learning time in practice environments, use of negotiated work based learning agreements and structured practice based tasks are an element of the programme on some of the option modules. Assessment methods are varied, forming a clear pathway for the student throughout and following the assessment strategy.

Programme Structure

Programme Structure Description

Individual student routes through the programme will be determined by their professional need, negotiated and agreed with the programme lead. The pathway agreed will also be influenced by the students own area of professional interest. Core modules: 6000HEAL - Individual Study (Dissertation) 6002HEAL - Leadership Development Through Action Learning 6003HEAL … For more content click the Read More button below.

Approved variance from Academic Framework Regulations

Paediatric clinical examination and minor illness module has a practice competency element (OSCE) which must be satisfied prior to the release of credit for the module. Students who do not pass the competency will be deemed to have failed that attempt at the module

Entry Requirements

Other international requirements

HECoS Code(s)

(CAH02-04) nursing and midwifery