
Target Award

Award Description:Master of Science - MS
Alternative Exit
Alternative Exit


British Psychological Society (BPS)

Programme Offerings





Educational Aims of the Course

The programme is designed to provide students with Stage 1 training in sport psychology (the first step towards becoming a Sport Psychologist) and delivers the core curriculum outlined by the BPS Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology. The programme also provides a strong research methods element that is designed to provide further depth to the core curriculum by grounding this training in specific sport psychology concepts and making explicit, the links between theory and practice. Specific educational aims are to: Prepare students with the means to enhance their own experience of sport psychology. Prepare students for employment in the field of sport psychology. Prepare students for more general employment through the development of transferable skills. Prepare students to undertake post graduate research in the field of sports psychology. Enable students to demonstrate an integrated and critical appreciation of conceptual and methodological issues in sport psychology. Enable students to demonstrate expertise in appropriate research methods in sport psychology. Enable students to demonstrate mastery of appropriate conceptual material in sport psychology.

Learning Outcomes

Employ appropriate quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Analyse, interpret and synthesise psychological data
Plan, design, execute and report on a programme of original, empirical research
Advance knowledge and understanding, and develop new skills to a high level.
Act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional level.
Demonstrate self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems and in critical reasoning.
Retrieve, organise and synthesise information effectively.
Use a variety of advanced psychological tools, including specialist software, laboratory equipment and psychometric instruments.
Carry out an extensive piece of independent research, applying skills of choosing and applying appropriate advanced research methodologies and the treatment of resulting data with appropriate analytical methods.
Apply skills of literature search, critical review and selection of relevant sources, and systematic synthesis and treatment of key material.
Implement and maintain systems for legal, professional and ethical standards in applied psychology
Carry out an empirical research project, including research design and ethical approval
Advanced oral and written communication skills.
Communicate clearly to specialist and nonspecialist audiences
Demonstrate an ability to make decisions in complex and unpredictable situations
Demonstrate independent self-management of learning, utilising time-management skills and effective planning strategies
Collaborate and co-operate when working with others
Exercise initiative and personal responsibility
Demonstrate the independent learning ability required for continuing professional development.
Demonstrate an awareness of professional and ethical practice issues in sport psychology
Discuss performance issues and cognitive processes
Employ appropriate psychological frameworks, approaches, skills and strategies
Evaluate developmental and social processes
Evaluate individual differences and well-being
Critically analyse complex issues both systematically and creatively
Critically appraise and integrate information from a variety of sources

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Throughout the programme an appropriate mixture of lectures, seminars, online teaching, tutorials and practical workshops encourage critical engagement with a range of theoretical and applied topics. Self-directed reading forms a significant part of the students study time. The programme has a diverse range of assessment modes, including essays, oral presentations, consultancy reports, reflective accounts, research proposal and ethics application and a research paper and viva.

Opportunities for work related learning

There is an opportunity to complete a placement on the Professional Practice module. This requires students to provide theoretically informed accounts and engage in critical discussion about professional practice issues relating to their placement experience.

Programme Structure

Programme Structure Description

Alternative exit awards are available to students who have attained 60 credits (Postgraduate Certificate) and for those who have gained 120 credits (Postgraduate Diploma). The programme is offered within a full-time (1 year) or part-time (2 year) framework. Part-time students will complete their research project in the second year. The … For more content click the Read More button below.

Approved variance from Academic Framework Regulations

The following variance was approved by the Chair of the Education Committee in March 2018: The inclusion of two 40 credit modules (7134SPOSCI Performance and Development Issues in Sport Psychology and 71363SPOSCI Frameworks, Approaches and Skills in Sport Psychology). Students must pass all modules. Compensation is not permitted (BPS standard … For more content click the Read More button below.

Entry Requirements

Alternative qualifications considered
Other international requirements

HECoS Code(s)

(CAH04-01) psychology