Target Award
Programme Offerings
Sandwich Year Out
Educational Aims of the Course
The core aim of the Climate Change programme is to develop an integrated approach to the study of this global issue, producing students educated in all aspects relevant to this issue. The main objective of the programme is to deliver a degree in Climate Change, led by a team of research-active teaching staff within an innovative and inclusive teaching and learning environment. With a practical and applied focus, this programme will examine the subject of Climate Change through the twin lenses of scientific scrutiny and socio-political analysis. This will include: Detailed introduction of the physiochemical and life processes that operate across the climate system of the Earth. Introduction to the physical basis of climate and earth systems. Examination of evidence for observed changes in climate and potential future impacts on all aspects of the Earth, including society and the economy. Exploration and evaluation of the current and potential future responses, adaptation, and mitigation to Climate Change. Understanding of issues concerning science communication and the reasons for climate scepticism and denialism. The specific programme aims are to: a) Develop graduates with a critically informed understanding of the processes that control climate, who have an integrated approach to the understanding and management of the interaction between the natural and human world in relation to anthropogenic Climate Change. b) Demonstrably link fieldwork and experiential learning to the wider development of both subject specific and practical skills and to apply such skills to the understanding, mitigation and adaptation of anthropogenic Climate Change. c) Enhance employment prospects by developing graduates with a wide range of transferable technical (including ICT & GIS),analytical and critical skills. d) Develop powers of critical and analytical thinking, problem solving and logical argument through the progressive development of understanding, critical awareness and research skills over the course of the degree programme. e) Promote the concept of continuous improvement, lifelong learning, and contribution to the wider community through personal development and scholarly activity. f) Encourage students to engage with the development of employability skills. In addition to the aims for the main target award, the sandwich programme aims to provide students with an extended period of work experience at an approved partner that will complement their programme of study at LJMU. This will give the students the opportunity to develop professional skills relevant to their programme of study, as well as attitude and behaviours necessary for employment in a diverse and changing environment.
Learning Outcomes
Teaching, Learning and Assessment
The programme will be delivered through lectures, practical sessions including both PC based and laboratory based sessions, paper based practical sessions, workshops (discussion forums),group and individual project work, tutorials and field classes. The latter will include both day long field trips, and residential field classes. It is estimated that approximately 50% of learning activity will be non-lecture-based, providing students with an active and hands-on approach to learning about Climate Change through practice. The programme will be structured so that there is a transition from the introduction of methods and topics in L4 to increasing applicability in L5 and complex problem solving in L6. Specifically throughout L5 students develop the ability to employ methods and skills strategically to test hypotheses and solve environmental problems. Throughout L6 students will develop and demonstrate the ability to analyse with (increasingly complex data sets and hypotheses to test),synthesise, critically evaluate and apply solutions to real world practical problems relevant to environmental situations/management.