Target Award
Programme Offerings
Educational Aims of the Course
This programme aims to develop students’ leadership skills to enable them to implement initiatives to optimise medicines for the wider population both within an organisation and between healthcare sectors.
Learning Outcomes
Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Learning outcomes are assessed through a number of activities, but these are tailored to maximise the application of knowledge wherever possible and thus require recall and synthesis of complex information on a range of topics in order for the student to be successful. The programme will begin each March or September, with teaching and learning activities (and assessments) spanning 6 months to the following August/February for students undertaking the programme. Attendance is required for study days. The students have access to a module Canvas site and the University's other range of electronic support such as access to the electronic library facilities. The module content is regularly updated on the Canvas site including contemporary reading lists and links to journal articles. All students are assigned a personal Tutor for support and guidance through the module, this maybe via email or online tutorials.