
Target Award

Award Description:Master of Science - MS
Alternative Exit

Apprenticeship Standard

Advanced clinical practitioner (integrated degree) - ST0564

Programme Offerings



Educational Aims of the Course

The programme aims to develop midwives to become autonomous, reflective advanced clinical practitioners who will be able to systematically utilise advanced levels of knowledge in order to respond to complex challenges and make rigorous clinical judgements. To provide a dynamic learning environment which enables the student to meet challenges flexibly and creatively to become a proficient, confident, safe and accountable practitioner whose practice is underpinned by a rigorous evidence base to ensure fitness for practice. To equip the students with the skills to assess, diagnose and manage the variety of illnesses and emergencies that commonly present in neonatal settings.

Learning Outcomes

Apply in-depth knowledge and critical understanding of midwifery advanced practice within a variety of settings.
Appropriately apply theory and academic evidence to professional practice.
Critically reflect on their own learning, practice and professional and academic development.
Demonstrate emotional intelligence through its application to their own learning, practice and professional and academic development.
Integrate and apply concepts from interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary perspectives.
Exercise advanced clinical reasoning, critical thinking and creative problem solving (based on advanced theoretical knowledge) in the assessment and management of maternal illness and health.
Utilise sophisticated scientific knowledge and clinical judgement in the achievement of a range of competencies for midwifery advanced practice.
Develop applied research skills which contribute to the enhancement and development of advanced midwifery practice and the maternal evidence-base in addition to informing those who impact upon the lives of pregnant and postnatal women.
Improve the health and well being of pregnant and postnatal women and their families through partnerships in health care delivery, wider advocacy, and policy-making contexts.
Recognise and appreciate the cultural context(s) that impact upon the health and well-being of the family unit.
Critically analyse Quality Systems in their area of Practice and initiate activities for improvement.
Apply in-depth knowledge of the pathogenesis of disease processes during pregnancy and the postnatal period; integration of the clinical manifestations of disease to the relevant pathophysiological mechanisms; and the subsequent relationships to assessment, diagnosis and management.
Communicate ideas, principles and theories effectively by oral and written means.
Engage in critical discussion and creative use of key ideas and concepts.
Access a range of on-line sources of information.
Formulate and communicate knowledge, understanding and research findings into articulate, coherent and well-developed arguments, conclusions and recommendations.
Integrate research findings into clinical practice (i.e. the assessment, diagnosis and management of pregnant and postnatal women).
Reflect on, critically analyse and evaluate their own practice.
Negotiate learning goals and evaluate their achievement.
Demonstrate development of leadership skills.
Utilise advanced clinical reasoning, critical thinking and creative problem solving in the assessment and management of illness and health during pregnancy and the postnatal period
Explore, critically review, consolidate, extend and apply a systematic and coherent body of knowledge relating to midwifery advanced practice and the assessment and management of health and illness.
Recognise the boundaries of advanced professional roles.
Articulate the legal and ethical frameworks in which the Advanced Practitioner works.
Demonstrate critical reasoning, creativity and originality of thought.
Make effective and appropriate decisions and solve problems in situations of uncertainty and complexity.
Identify, apply and disseminate research findings relating to advanced practice.

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Interactive lectures, seminars, tutorials; on-line discussion boards; problem-based learning exercises; self-directed and reflective learning; reflective practice, clinical supervision and case presentations, student-led presentations, individual and group tutorials Oral and written presentations, unseen examinations, written assignments, OSCE examination, clinical evaluation, open book examination, clinical portfolio, clinical competencies

Opportunities for work related learning

All apprentices will be employed in the context of a maternity setting. It is the role of the employer to ensure suitable mentors are identified for the apprentices. Practice based mentors will be identified and will play a role in sign-off of the ACP (Midwifery) capabilities for Pillar 1 and competencies in Third Trimester Ultrasound. They will be supported via tripartite tutorials between the apprentice, employer and LJMU. The development of a portfolio and competency record will complement and strategically support the ongoing process of practice learning. There are mandatory clinical practice hours and competencies associated with modules 7000ACPMW, 7001ACPMW, 7504ACPMW and 7100PAPP.

Programme Structure

Programme Structure Description

The Independent/Supplementary Prescribing module is a stand-alone programme validated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and the Health Care Professional Council (HCPC). Some midwives may have already completed this module at level 7 prior to entry and will apply for RPL into the programme. Some midwives may have completed … For more content click the Read More button below. Apprentices all need to complete mandatory training in Safeguarding, British Values and Prevent before they can undertake the End Point Assessment. Generic, mandatory online training programmes will offered to apprentices and this may be supplemented by additional training that is specific to the programme.

Approved variance from Academic Framework Regulations

Variance has been approved to omit a stand-alone research methods module, the content of which will be taught in the 60-credit dissertation module. A variance has been approved for 7100NPAPP that all components of the module must be passed including those contained within the practice competency. The examination element (weighted … For more content click the Read More button below.

Entry Requirements

Alternative qualifications considered
Other international requirements

HECoS Code(s)

(CAH02-04) nursing and midwifery