
Target Award

Award Description:Master of Science - MS
Alternative Exit
Alternative Exit

Programme Offerings



Educational Aims of the Course

To provide appropriately qualified students with a programme of academic study that will enable them to continue to higher level research in astrophysics, e.g. through a PhD route. To provide a postgraduate study opportunity for those who may be disenfranchised from higher education either by being full-time employees and/or residing in international locations where such opportunities are not available. To develop those learning, computational, communication and reflective skills necessary to enable students to carry out independent study in astrophysics and related areas. To complete a project of independent and original research in astrophysics.

Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the definitions and key properties of major classes of astrophysical objects (planets, stars, galaxies and galaxy clusters) and a clear knowledge of the observational methods used to measure quantitative parameters for astrophysical objects (size, luminosity, velocity, chemical composition, age etc.)
Possess a clear awareness of the main physical processes involved in the formation, growth, stabilisation and evolution of astrophysical objects Demonstrate practical experience of the analytical techniques applicable to the area of astrophysical research and the application of advanced mathematical and physical methods to problems in astrophysics.
Show originality in the application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of the critical evaluation of research, scholarship and methodologies within astrophysical science.

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

  • Acquisition of knowledge through pre-recorded lectures, directed reading, focused literature review exercises, coursework assignments, student discussion groups and tutorials.
  • Learning materials principally delivered interactively by Virtual Learning Environment (Canvas) with use of other current technologies.
  • Testing of the knowledge base is through a combination of on-line progress tests, written assignments, formal written examinations, practical work, project report or dissertation, and oral presentation.
  • Analytic, mathematical and problem solving skills are developed through self-learning assessments, focussed literature review exercises, written assignments and tutorials.
  • The Astrophysics Project will involve both experimental and literature research, further developing skills of data retrieval, critical analysis and discussion.
  • Analysis and problem solving skills are assessed through written examinations and by the completion of formal written coursework assignments.
  • Experimental and literature research skills are assessed in the presentation of the Astrophysics Project together with an oral defence.
  • Practical experimental skills, preparing a high-level technical report and giving a technical presentation are developed through the Astrophysics Project module.
  • Computational and programming skills will be developed in many of the Astrophysics Project options, and are at the core of the Numerical Methods in Astrophysics module.
  • Transferable skills are embedded on the programme.
  • Skills are learned through completion of written assignments, participating in tutorials and collecting and transferring data via computer networks and from on-line databases, and through the Astrophysics Project.
  • Skills are developed through self-assessment exercises, coursework and the oral presentation of the research Project.
  • Tutorials and feedback assist and improve the level of skill achieved.

Programme Structure

Programme Structure Description

The programme is offered as a part-time course for completion in two years. Students will take the following path: In the first semester of the first year, they will complete Astrophysical Concepts (7010ASTPHY), with a final assessment in January.In the second semester of the first year, they will complete Cosmology … For more content click the Read More button below. There is one intake of new students in September each year. In each year of the programme, 90 credits will be completed. To obtain an MSc., students must acquire 180 level 7 credits. Intermediate awards are Postgraduate Certificate Astrophysics (60 level 7 credits, which must be 7010ASTPHY and 7014ASTPHY) and Postgraduate Diploma Astrophysics (120 level 7 credits, which must also 7013ASTPHY and one of the two optional modules). Students who achieve the full 180 credits with an average mark of 70% or above are awarded MSc. with Distinction. Students who achieve the full 180 credits with an average mark of 60-69% are awarded MSc. with Merit. Students who achieve 50-59% are awarded MSc (Pass). Recruitment will only be onto the full MSc pathway; no students will be recruited directly onto either the Postgraduate Certificate or the Postgraduate Diploma programmes.

Entry Requirements

Other international requirements
Undergraduate degree

Extra Entry Requirements

  • a satisfactory reference from your employer or line manager

HECoS Code(s)

(CAH07-01) physics and astronomy