
Target Award

Award Description:Certificate of Professional Development - CPM

Programme Offerings



Educational Aims of the Course

To prepare the student to work autonomously as a Specialist Screening Practitioner within an approved NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Centre and meet the specialist elements of the Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) profile for their role. It is expected that the professional development to meet core dimensions of the role will be addressed in the local setting. The Bowel Cancer Screening Programme has developed an induction and orientation package to ensure consistency in approach in supporting this process.

Learning Outcomes

Critically apply knowledge and synthesis of the epidemiology, aetiology, pathology, investigations, treatments and outcomes of bowel cancer to support patients at all stages of the care pathway.
Exercise critical analysis and synthesis in the selection of appropriate communication skills for both defining and meeting individual’s needs and preferences during all stages of the patient pathway.
Critically apply a knowledge of patient’s social, medical and psychological problems and discuss how this influence their diagnostic and management pathways.
Critically appraise and apply evidence from a range of sources when address legal, regulatory and ethical aspects of care in practice.
Critically evaluate health promotion strategies, models of health education and promotion within the context of the role of the BCSP.
Exercise critical analysis and synthesis to enable effective case management of individuals during all stages of the patient pathway.
Critically apply knowledge of quality assurance processes for the Bowel Cancer Screening Programme and evaluate these within the context of their role and the Trust’s clinical governance framework.

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Healthcare Professionals entering the modules are adult learners; the module team therefore recognised that individual learning styles, needs and experiences required a variety of teaching strategies. The course delivery methods therefore reflect these styles and facilitates/ supports individual student’s development. Students are encouraged to further explore their own strengths, weaknesses and experiences within a portfolio of evidence. With this in mind the module team are committed to developing reflective knowledgeable healthcare professionals who are able and willing to question and make informed evidence based practice judgements. An integrated approach employed throughout the modules, of practical and theoretical knowledge, skills and observation. This will be achieved by:

Lectures from clinical specialists

Group discussions and tutorials


Clinical teaching

Clinical observation.

Case studies

Distance learning packages via HEE e-learning for health and Canvas

Personal reading, study and reflection.

The module has been designed to meet the specific requirements of a closed client group, the assessment strategy has therefore reflects the educational governance document published by Public Health England (PHE) in March 2020. Potential student must be employed as a Specialist Bowel Cancer Screening Practitioner and involved in the care and management of people requiring bowel cancer screening. This is paramount as all assessments relate to acquiring knowledge and skill within this defined group of service users. Without this day-to-day contact with the service user, successful completion of all assessments related to the Bowel Cancer Screening Practitioner module would be impossible.  All applicants must have an appropriately qualified named designated clinical mentor and a deputy to provide clinical supervision, support and opportunities to enable the student to meet the requirements of the programme. The nature of the clinical assessments for this programme is complex, as all students are measured against national work force competencies.

Programme Structure

Programme Structure Description

The Specialist Bowel Cancer Screening Practitioner (SSP) module cater to a national footprint and adopts an innovative, blended approach to learning. The module contents are delivered by experts in the field of Bowel Cancer, Endoscopy and Advancing Practice. The predominant aim of this education programme is to ensure knowledgeable, evidenced … For more content click the Read More button below.

Entry Requirements

Alternative qualifications considered

HECoS Code(s)

(CAH02-04) nursing and midwifery