Target Award
Award Description:Bachelor of Arts with Honours (Fnd) - BAHF
Alternative Exit
Alternative Exit
Alternative Exit
Programme Offerings
Educational Aims of the Course
1. To provide students with a stimulating, research informed, academic programme, including both core and optional modules, with clear progression through the degree, and with clear learning outcomes. 2. To provide a dynamic and contemporary programme which stimulates the sociological imagination and engages students with the history of the discipline, and its central theoretical, methodological and substantive aspects. 3. To provide an environment which facilitates and encourages student centred learning, that is inclusive and accessible to all students, and supports them as they begin to independently research the social world using appropriate quantitative and/or qualitative techniques. 4.To provide at level 4 core modules introducing theory and method and a range of areas of sociology including social policy, inequalities, and culture in local, national and global contexts; these themes can be explored further in core (theory and method) and themed optional modules at level 5, with level 6 being made up of further themed optional modules. Hence a pathway can be constructed by the student built around specific themes. 5. To provide graduates with the appropriate subject knowledge and attributes, together with a range of transferable skills, and the ability to take responsibility for their own learning, to pursue a career related to the subject area, in general employment, or further study. 6. To encourage students to engage with the development of employability skills, including their completion of a self-awareness statement. 7. To provide a programme that enables students to recognise their citizenship in local, national and global communities and societies, and to appreciate their role in addressing social conditions, resisting prejudice, and improving social justice for all utilising the theoretical insights and evidence based findings of sociology. 8. To appreciate the importance of ethical issues in all forms of sociological data collection, analysis and argumentation and the contested nature of social life, to develop a reflexive sociological understanding of world views alternative to their own. 9. To provide opportunities to sociologically investigate societies other than the UK and to facilitate exchange and study/field work educational visits to those countries to further understanding, analysis and knowledge. 10. Appreciate the distinctive character of Sociology in relation to other forms of understanding, such as its relation to other disciplines and to everyday explanations.
Learning Outcomes
Describe and examine a range of key concepts and theoretical approaches from the history and contemporary practice of Sociology and evaluate their application in examining the processes that underpin social change, conflict and social stability.
Demonstrate competence in using major theoretical perspectives and concepts in Sociology, and their application to social life
Identify, assess and analyse sources of evidence in building a sociological argument.
Plan and conduct ethical sociological research using quantitative and qualitative data sources whether using secondary analysis of previous research, naturally occurring data or gathering new data.
Recognise the relevance of sociological knowledge to social, public and civic policy.
Appreciate the complexity and diversity of social contexts including the need for cultural awareness when applying sociological ideas developed in one context to a cross-cultural setting.
Analyse, interpret and apply major theories and concepts in the study of sociology, independently engaging with subject literature, questioning received thinking, and supporting critical and normative judgements on sociological issues with relevant evidence and structured argument.
Apply reflexivity about assumptions and the social processes and structures shaping forms of knowledge.
Recognise and develop arguments and evidence to challenge all forms of prejudice.
Demonstrate understanding of numeracy and statistical information, and use ICT and traditional methods for the retrieval and storage, interpretation and presentation of information and findings.
Appreciate the values of open mindedness and sensitivity to cultural differences and the importance of respecting equality and diversity.
Provide an analytical account of social diversity and various inequalities addressing the social processes shaping individuals, groups, social practices, social institutions and social structures.
Communicate ideas coherently in a written, visual and or verbal forms utilising appropriate referencing.
Assess the merits of competing explanations and draw on evidence to synthesise and evaluate competing arguments and explanations.
Work independently, demonstrating skills of self-organisation, time management, the ability for critical self-reflection and self-improvement.
Collaborate with others to achieve collective goals, and discuss and present ideas and interpretations with others in a clear and reasoned way.
Assess and analyse the ethical implications of research and enquiry.
Use specialist knowledge of one or more sub-topics within Sociology to construct a sociological argument (selecting from a range of available options reflecting the diversity of the discipline) and thereby evaluating the relationship between sociological arguments and evidence.
Examine a range of data sources, research strategies and quantitative and qualitative methods and assess the appropriateness of their use (through practical application and experience) to generate empirical knowledge about a substantive sociological concern.
Show understanding of the use of sociology in historical, cross-cultural and transnational comparative studies of global societies.
Demonstrate knowledge of the contingent and contextual nature of all forms of social knowing including sociological knowledge, so as to be reflexive about their own knowledge of the social world.
Apply sociology to the analysis of cultural forms and practices.
Appreciate the role of worldviews, values and beliefs and their consequences for social action in ethically plural societies
Formulate and investigate sociological questions.
Teaching, Learning and Assessment
The programme incorporates staff-led and student-centred strategies with a progressive emphasis on the latter as students develop as independent learners. The former includes both formal and interactive lectures, and seminars, which provide opportunities to present ideas, discuss and reflect. The latter involve small group activities, tutorials, workshops and enquiry-based learning. These are designed to: Foster student progression Stimulate interest and encourage participation Provide equal opportunities to develop learning skills, at all levels Encourage critical analysis and the application of theory Utilise ICT and Canvas The Sociology Assessment strategy is guided by School, University and QAA guidelines and ensures that: Assessment, as part of the learning process, involves feedback (diagnostic, formative or summative) that is timely and constructive. Criteria of attainment are given in handbooks and module assignments. Assessment across the programme is planned, and designed to be coherent, balanced and to facilitate the achievement of learning outcomes. Assessment meets the criteria (QAA and School) of validity, reliability and consistency. Assessment takes account of students with particular needs. The programme utilises a wide range of assessments including Essays, Exams, reports, portfolios, projects, self-reflective diaries, biography, leaflet, book reviews, enquiry-based learning, presentations (written and oral) and, at level 6, an optional dissertation, and opportunities for work placement. Intellectual skills are strongly linked to the development of knowledge and understanding. Lectures provide the foundations of and models for students to develop and consolidate their intellectual skills, whole workshops, seminars, tutorials and independent learning provides opportunities for students to practice and apply these intellectual skills. The assessment of intellectual skills is closely linked with subject knowledge and assessment, however the focus is upon the student's ability to recognise, construct and defend arguments, to undertake critical analysis and to identify and resolve intellectual problems. A variety of written coursework and exam based assessments focus directly on the student's ability to construct rigorous arguments and analysis. While the more applied nature of some assessments (briefing papers, blogs, case studies, reports),particularly those requiring students to understand and undertake Sociological research encourages students to creatively develop their intellectual skills. All teaching and learning activities focus on developing and improving communication skills: lectures enable students to become effective listeners who can assimilate ideas and information; discussions in workshops and small group settings develop spoken communication skills, collaboration and interpersonal skills. Students are also encouraged and supported, via tutor guidance and the VLE, to undertake independent learning which, in turn, promotes planning. organisational and time-management skills. All assessment utilized on the programme encourages students to develop their communication skills and to present arguments and ideas with precision and clarity. Achievement of good time management and organizational skills is demonstrated by students completing work on time to a satisfactory standard. These skills are introduced in 4106SOC: Introduction to Sociology, at level four. Thereafter, core and option modules at levels 5 and involve a combination of student-centred learning in both collective (seminars/workshops, group project work etc) and individual contexts (independent learning, tutorials, dissertations). Teaching is block time-tabled into 3 hour sessions. The variety of learning experiences and assessment tasks is designed to stimulate interest and encourage participation, and to provide opportunities for students with differing capabilities and aptitudes to develop transferable skills. The variety of assessment
Programme Structure
Programme Structure Description
The programme is taught within the University Academic Framework. Students must take 120 credits at each level of the programme (Levels 3, 4, 5 and 6). Each Level of the programme should normally be completed in one academic year. Modules are of two types: core and options. At Levels 3 … For more content click the Read More button below.
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Approved variance from Academic Framework Regulations
A variance to the Academic Framework regulation UG.A3.2 which states that modules comprise 10 or 20 credits except for a research project/dissertation module at Level 6 which may comprise 30 or 40 credits has been approved by the Chair of Education Committee on 01.06.17.
Entry Requirements
A levels
Alternative qualifications considered
International Baccalaureate
Other international requirements