Target Award
Programme Offerings
Educational Aims of the Course
To provide a rigorous, interdisciplinary study of criminal justice, probation practice and the role of the Probation Service
To provide a clearly defined academic programme with linked learning outcomes.
To develop learners' critical, analytical and evaluative skills alongside a contemporaneous knowledge base of probation practice.
To enhance learning, IT, communication and reflection skills both from an academic and professional perspective.
To enhance the self-efficacy of learners, to produce effective, resilient and professionally curious probation practitioners of the future.
Teaching, Learning and Assessment
The programme has been designed in discussion with HMPPS and the Ministry of Justice and has been agreed as part of an external design approval board process. The programme is only open to PQiP learners recruited and employed by the Probation Service and the programme is one part of the overall PQiP Qualification.
The programme will be offered via an active blended learning and will consist of asynchronous (pre-recorded)and synchronous (live) and in person delivery methods and will use the full capability of the Canvas platform to engage the learners in the curriculum/modules that are delivered as part of the programme. This will include the use of pre-recorded materials, discussion boards, 'live' workshops/drop ins, quizzes, discussion boards and videos/podcasts. Learners will be encouraged to undertake independent study and this will form an essential part of the pedagogic ethos and promote independent learning. The teaching, learning and assessment activities will also embed opportunities for skill development seeking to support occupational vocational learning. These will particularly focus on communication, problem solving, collaboration, organisation and planning, cultural awareness, time management and interpersonal skills. These will be supported by self-reflection and the inclusion of the vocational element into a level 6 module. Each of the modules will have built into them formative processes that will contribute to overall academic development and to the associated summative assessments.
The programme team acknowledge that the profile of learners on the programme will be different to many undergraduate programmes that are delivered and as such each learner will receive a diagnostic assessment that will feed into an individualised learning plan. Learners will be supported through the programme in a variety of ways. Each of the modules will have a named module leader, learners will be allocated an academic tutor and they will additionally be allocated a PQiP personal tutor who will meet with them in accordance with the LJMU's Personal Tutor Policy. This is a bespoke role introduced as part of this programme to ensure the connections are made between the practice and academic elements of the programme and between theory, research and practice.
The assessment of intellectual skills is closely linked with subject knowledge and assessment skill, however there is a focus on learners being able to recognise, understand, assimilate and critically construct and defend arguments. All summative assessments will be to university standards and will include a variety of assessments methods including, online exams, presentations, case studies and essays. Overall 60% of the academic credits achieved will be done so through written work. This was agreed with HMPPS and The Ministry of Justice as part of the Design Approval Process as it is essential that competent probation practitioners possess the skills and ability to write a variety of reports and assessments and can evidence this as part of their academic engagement. All assessments will be structured around the learning outcomes set against each of the modules and the associated content.
All of the summative assessments will be submitted, marked (where appropriate) with feedback given via Canvas. Clear marking criteria and guidance will be provided to ensure clarity and support. As the learners progress through level 6 there will be opportunities for learning rubrics to be co-created. Feedback will be forward facing and developmental and will be provided in a variety of ways (audio, written and 1:1) to ensure engagement.