
Target Award

Award Description:Certificate of Professional Development - CP

Programme Offerings



Educational Aims of the Course

To facilitate the development of a safe and effective Clinical Endoscopist (CE), by equipping the student with the knowledge, skills, competences to perform diagnostic Oesophago-Gastro-Duodenoscopy (OGD) incorporating the professional attributes that underpin an advanced practice role.

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

This module is specifically designed to meet the requirements set by Health Education England (HEE) for a national Clinical Endoscopist (CE) training programme. The aim of which is to have a clinically based (9 months), academically focussed programme to meet the outcomes of the JAG Endoscopy Training Scheme (JETS) and the Health Education England Clinical Endoscopist Competencies. The overall aim of the module is to adequately prepare practitioners in this new and complex role and to maintain patient safety.

Teaching will take place on site or via the Virtual Learning Environment, the students will return to their practice settings to reflect upon and develop expertise within their own settings supported by a local consultant Medical Clinical Supervisor and an Advanced Practice Mentor.

To meet the learning outcomes students will be offered blended learning opportunities based upon the following elements: -

  1.  Clinical / practical skills training
  2.  Completion of the CE competency portfolio
  3.  Academic element
  4.  Completion of SLATE e-learning package
  5.  Basic Skills course
  6.  Clinical supervision and personal development

The course will be informed by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education Benchmark Statement for Health and Social Care Programmes and students on the course will be expected to adhere to their relevant Professional Code of Practice

In line with Health Education England professional requirement to maintain patient safety, no referral will be offered on this CPD.

Opportunities for work related learning

This Health Education England (HEE) funded programme provides ring-fenced 20 hours per week dedicate training time per student. The students are required to work with a J.A.G. train the trainer to develop their clinical competency and to undertake a J.A.G. summative assessment within the workplace. 

Programme Structure

Programme Structure Description

The Clinical Endoscopist module cater to a national footprint and adopts an innovative, blended approach to learning. The module contents are delivered by experts in the field of Endoscopy or Advancing Practice via an interactive virtual classroom.  This module places an emphasis on robust clinical leadership, advanced communication skills, in-depth … For more content click the Read More button below.


Approved variance from Academic Framework Regulations

In line with Health Education England professional requirement to maintain patient safety, no referral will be offered on this CPD.

Entry Requirements

Alternative qualifications considered

HECoS Code(s)

(CAH02-04) nursing and midwifery