Partner Details

Learning Works Limited


Target Award

Award Description:Master of Science - MS
Alternative Exit
Alternative Exit

Programme Offerings



Educational Aims of the Course

The MSc in International Sport Coaching aims to emphasise a critical and research informed approach to sport coaching which demonstrates both specific knowledge of the coaching process and application of contemporary sport science knowledge to their practice. This will be achieved by developing a capacity for integrating elements of the coaching process and extending their problem solving skills whilst seeking innovative solutions to coaching problems. The critical use of research evidence to underpin coaching practice will provide opportunities for in-depth study and dissemination of knowledge. This will enable the development of knowledge, skills and capacity to manage the coaching process.

Learning Outcomes

Devise, leading and implement cutting edge coaching solutions.
Make links between their own personal learning and enhanced athlete learning and performance.
Compile and evaluate an annual plan for coaching based on sound scientific principles.
Develop mechanisms for evaluation of own coaching performance.
Assess areas of coaching strengths and weaknesses and construct personal programmes for development.
Identify areas of practice that could benefit from small-scale research: design conduct and evaluate an appropriate study.
Employ training principles within, and apply coaching theory to improve coaching practice.
Communicate effectively orally, electronically and in writing.
Determine through a process of analysis and observation learning needs of both self and athletes.
Raise the standards of learning and performance in both themselves and their athletes.
Organise and manage personal study efficiently and effectively, particularly where distance and part-time study are involved.
Analyse complex coaching concepts.
Use IT effectively as both a learning and communication tool.
Work confidently both as an individual and as part of a team both on the course and in the work place.
Work independently and use available support and resources strategically and effectively.
Deliver and evaluate continuing professional development within the coaching process.
Recognise the importance of self-reflection and its impact upon the coaching process.
Consider organisational and managerial aspects of performance management.
Synthesise scientific coaching theory and principles in the generation of novel ideas and concepts.
Critically understand and evaluate coaching as a research informed profession.
Analyse relevant theory and make links with personal professional practice.
Critically and reflectively analyse professional practices and implications for performer enhancement.

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

In Semester 1 and 2 (September to May) students will attend live online lessons. In addition, students will have weekly online tutorials with their personal tutor, and will have work asynchronous online activities (reading, tasks, and assignments) to do in their own time. There are also two week-long face-to-face sessions planned one each in semester 1 and 2. In Semester three, students will work online with their individual supervisor on their research project. The blended approach undertaken on this programme includes: (1) Online asynchronous material (readings, tasks, lectures, discussion boards); (2) Online synchronous (live) weekly sessions (seminars, workshops, guest lectures); (3) 2 x One week intensive block teaching (in-country); (4) Online tutorial support.

Opportunities for work related learning

Work-related learning will be a key aspect of this degree and will be built into most modules. All Module Leaders will have significant experience of working in sport coaching. Moreover, industry experts will provide guest lectures on highly specialised topics. However, the major work-based learning will occur in-line with students' personal and professional circumstances as part of a work placement in 7503SPOSCI Coach Education and Development. Here students will have a chance to develop their skills in a real working context. The placement will consist of 50 hours work related learning and can take place in country. The placement will be supervised by an academic practitioner and the student will also receive on-site supervision through the placement provider. Any placement will comply with the University Code of Practice for Placement Learning.

Programme Structure

Programme Structure Description

The target award is MSc International Sport Coaching. This programme can be studied full time (Programme Specification - 36643),or over a period of two years as a part-time programme (Programme Specification - 36644). Students are required to achieve 180 credits for Masters (Level 7) 120 credits for Postgraduate Diploma and … For more content click the Read More button below.

Entry Requirements

Alternative qualifications considered
Other international requirements

HECoS Code(s)

(CAH03-02) sport and exercise sciences