Partner Details



Target Award

Award Description:Master of Arts - MA
Alternative Exit
Alternative Exit

Programme Offerings



Educational Aims of the Course

-Expand critical understanding in the area of Leadership in Education through learning based on critical engagement with current education theory, research, policy and practice - Develop critical educational practice through analysis of reflection on and engagement with this knowledge and understanding in their professional settings - Develop professionally and personally through learning programmes at Masters level - Conduct original research in their educational setting around an aspect of leadership in education - To provide opportunity for students to achieve their full academic potential at level 7 through study, encouraging self motivation, self awareness and application of initiative - To develop students with leadership acumen for current and future educational contexts

Learning Outcomes

Critically evaluate the existing theory and evidence base associated with leadership in education
Gather, present, interpret and analyse quantitative and /or qualitative data in appropriate from for research project purposes, related to the field of leadership in education
Critically examine research methodologies relevant to the study of leadership in education
Synthesise current and original concepts for the creation and interpretation of knowledge in relation to leadership in education
Apply relevant knowledge of leadership and management to a range of complex educational situations
Critically assess current practice relating to leadership in education
Evaluate the rigour and validity of published research within different educational contexts
Apply appropriate research methodologies and data collection processes to inform the critical analysis of and reflection on practice
Critical reflection on value systems and conceptual assumptions
The preparation of a research project based on a study in appropriate depth of a topic related to leadership in education

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Acquisition of knowledge and understanding is achieved through a broad range of teaching methods including lectures, tutorials, workshops, case studies and engagement with theory and research through critical reading, critical reflective practice and the use of appropriate ICT applications. Intellectual skills are developed through engagement with literature, theory and policy and through analysis and reflection on real-world professional practice, through a range of learning activities such as taught sessions, tutorials, seminars, and private study and coursework assignments as appropriate. Usually, coursework assignments require the integration of theory and practice, in order to enable participants to demonstrate the learning outcomes. Practical skills are developed throughout the programme by ensuring that critical approaches to context, policy and learning for education underpin module content and processes. Equally, critical reflection on theory, research and professional practice is a design feature of all modules. Transferable skills are incorporated within modules and related to relevant assessments as appropriate. Building on the student’s experiences as they advance through the programme, the delivery of the programme begins with a largely instructor-directed approach and gradually moves to develop a student-directed learning approach in later levels, culminating in students engaging in independent research, supported by lecturers. This approach leads to more independent learning and direct student responsibility for their learning. A range of appropriate teaching methods are used across the programme, including: • Seminars • Lectures • Tutorials • Workshops • eLearning • Directed independent study • Distance Learning • Group work • Presentations Assessment will be through reflective practice assignments involving a range of assessment methods including; individual and group work tasks, presentations, essays, reports, critical reflection on professional practice accounts, action research reports and dissertations and other appropriate activities. Intellectual skills are assessed and the mode of assessment is specified in the module handbooks. The underpinning assessment strategy is reflection on professional practice from a theoretical / research perspective. Professional practical skills re-assessed within the assessment strategies.

Opportunities for work related learning

The programme is designed to meet the needs of education practitioners in advancing their knowledge, understanding and practice in educational settings. There is an expectation that study will be related to the professional workplace and some assignments may be linked to professional practice in the workplace.

Programme Structure

Programme Structure Description

The award MA Leadership in Education requires 180 credits from all core modules (7501MALED, 7502MALED, 7503MALED, 7504MALED, 7505MALED, 7506MALED & 7507MALED). The award Post Graduate Diploma Leadership in Education requires 120 credits from the following core modules (7501MALED, 7502MALED, 7503MALED, 7504MALED, 7505MALED & 7506MALED) The award Post Graduate Certificate Leadership … For more content click the Read More button below.

HECoS Code(s)

(CAH22-01) education and teaching