Target Award
Award Description:Doctor of Health Psychology - DHP
British Psychological Society (BPS)
Health and Care Professions Council, the (HCPC)
Programme Offerings
Educational Aims of the Course
The programme aims are to: Train individuals to be eligible to apply for Registered Health Psychologist and Chartered Psychologist status Train individuals who are able to carry out safe independent practice* in health psychology Train individuals who are able to reflect on their practice and produce work at the forefront of health psychology *Practice is defined as demonstration of the following competences: research, teaching & training, consultancy, professional skills and behaviour change interventions.
Learning Outcomes
Understand, interpret and contribute to a substantial body of knowledge at the forefront of health psychology which merits publication
Demonstrate detailed understanding of a range of techniques of research and intervention applicable to health psychology
Conceptualise, design and implement projects to support the generation of new knowledge at the forefront of health psychology
Apply high-level skills in critical thinking, reflection and meta-reflection
Demonstrate possession of competences in research, teaching and training, consultancy and behaviour change interventions in health psychology
Demonstrate possession of generic professional competence befitting a health psychologist and applicable to other, cognate professions
Exercise personal responsibility, show autonomous, evidence-based decision-making, and be adaptable in unpredictable and complex situations
Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Workshops, lectures, supervision, placement learning. A range of coursework assessments to include research papers, case studies and reflective commentaries. Viva voce examination. Each assessment is mapped onto learning outcomes attached to specific competences, given that the national curriculum is based upon a competency model. It will be possible for previously experienced trainees to submit a portfolio of evidence, including a mapping document and commentary, which can substitute for certain assessments/competences. This is limited to consultancy, research, teaching and training and behaviour change interventions, and no more than 50% of the assessments within 8002HEAPSY, the practice module, will be accepted via substitute evidence under any circumstances. In addition, work being submitted must relate to skills and knowledge acquired under the supervision of a Health Psychologist or equivalent specialist, and must have been acquired after the trainee obtained eligibility for the Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership from the British Psychological Society (BPS GBC).
Programme Structure
Programme Structure Description
The programme is 540 credits in total. Trainees enter the programme with a BPS GBC and an accredited MSc in Health Psychology or a BPS Stage One Qualification in Health Psychology with an overall mark equivalent to a merit. On entry students will be awarded advanced standing of 180 credits … For more content click the Read More button below.
Level 8
Entry Requirements
Alternative qualifications considered
HECoS Code(s)
(CAH04-01) psychology