Partner Details
International College of Business and Technology
Target Award
Award Description:Higher Diploma - HD
Alternative Exit
Programme Offerings
Educational Aims of the Course
To provide fundamental knowledge in and develop an advanced understanding of the theory and practice of mathematics, civil engineering construction technology, engineering mechanics and strength of materials, site surveying, management of health and safety, geology and soil mechanics, computer aided design, structural analysis and modelling, fluid mechanics and hydraulics, hydrology and structural design in the wider business, built environment and civil engineering sectors. To provide opportunities for the appreciation and understanding of the significant factors constraining the effective management and development of the built environment and major infrastructure, e.g. physical, legal, economic, sustainable and technological factors. To provide opportunities for collaborative and individual student-centred study on project tasks that simulate real working practices in order to develop analytical, critical and problem solving skills such that they can define, investigate and analyse problems, form judgements, make decisions and demonstrate the acquisition of such qualities. To provide the framework within which students can achieve the level of attainment, appropriate to their abilities in the context of the programme of study. To prepare students for the transition from Higher Education to employment within a professional context; and develop those transferable, specialist and employability skills that all stakeholders could reasonably expect of students who successfully complete a Higher Diploma in Civil Engineering. To encourage students to engage with the development of employability skills.
Learning Outcomes
Operate in situations of varying complexity and predictability requiring the application of a wide range of techniques and information sources.
Select appropriate techniques/criteria for evaluation and discriminate between the relative relevance and significance of data/evidence collected.
Identify external expectations and adapt own performance accordingly.
Undertake complex and non-routine performance tasks.
Analyse performance of self and others and suggest improvements.
Interact effectively within a team, giving and receiving information and ideas and modifying responses where appropriate.
Recognise and ameliorate situations likely to lead to conflict.
Be aware of personal responsibility and professional codes of conduct.
Assess own capabilities using justifiable criteria set by self and others taking the wider needs of the context into account.
Use feedback to adapt own actions to reach a desired aim and review impact.
Adapt interpersonal and communication skills to a range of situations, audiences and degrees of complexity.
Act with limited supervision and direction within defined guidelines, accepting responsibility for achieving personal and/or group outcomes and/or outputs.
Have detailed knowledge of well-established theories and concepts.
Demonstrate an awareness of different ideas, contexts and frameworks and recognise those areas where the knowledge base is most/least secure.
Identify, analyse and communicate principles and concepts, recognising competing perspectives.
Undertake research to provide new information and/or explore new or existing data to identify patterns and relationships.
Use appropriate theoretical models to judge the significance of the data collected, recognising the limitations of the enquiry.
Collect and synthesise information to inform a choice of solutions to problems in unfamiliar contexts.
Analyse a range of information, comparing alternative methods and techniques.
Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Lectures, tutorials, problem solving sessions, seminars, workshops, computer sessions, participation in projects. Examinations, assignments, preparation of reports, essays, technological reports, oral presentations, workshops, peer review, computer-based exercises.
Programme Structure
Programme Structure Description
The award of the Higher Diploma in Civil Engineering requires the completion of 120 credits at Level 4 and 120 credits at Level 5. The award of the Certificate of Higher Education in Civil Engineering requires the completion of 120 credits at Level 4.
Level 4
Level 5
Approved variance from Academic Framework Regulations
The approved variance is that the modules that constitute the programme are 15 credits in size.
Entry Requirements
Alternative qualifications considered
Other international requirements