
Target Award

Award Description:Master of Arts - MA
Alternative Exit

Programme Offerings



Educational Aims of the Course

The overall aim of the programme is to produce postgraduates who are able to play a significant role in the development of further practice and study in relation to application of knowledge in the field of education practice in schools colleges and settings and to support the early professional learning needs of those entering the teaching profession. The curriculum and approach to learning, teaching and assessment aim to meet the challenges of the first years in the classroom through the development of intellectual, analytical and research skills relevant to the needs of the emerging professional in education practice. The specific aims of the programme are: - To expand the knowledge and understanding of newly or recently qualified teachers in the area of teaching and learning in education through learning based on critical engagement with current education theory, research, policy and practice - To develop critical educational practice in teaching and learning through analysis of, reflection on and engagement with this knowledge and understanding in their professional settings - To enable students to extend their capacity for independent study and to make an original contribution to research applied to teaching and learning relevant to their professional learning needs and educational setting - To develop those learning, communication and reflective skills necessary to enable students to participate in lifelong professional learning leading to further specialised study

Learning Outcomes

Synthesise systematic understanding of the existing knowledge base and current issues relating to teaching and learning.
Evaluate the rigour and validity of published research and assess relevance and generalisability to new situations within their professional contexts.
Extrapolate theory from existing research and scholarship in order to identify effective approaches to practice within education.
Apply a range of research methodologies and data collection processes to inform the critical analysis of and reflection on practice.
Demonstrate competence in the application of appropriate learning to areas of their own professional practice.
Identify and manage complex situations, past and present, relevant to the area of practice.
Apply the capacity for original thinking and critical analysis and reflection on participants' professional practice.
Engage in a process of critical evaluation of own value systems and conceptual assumptions.
Communicate effectively to a wide range of individuals by a variety of means.
Manage time and work to deadlines.
Deal with complex issues both systematically and creatively.
Synthesise comprehensive and relevant understanding of research methodologies and debates relevant to educational practice
Be pro-active in recognising the need for, and have the ability to manage their own professional development.
Be adaptable and show originality, insight and reflection in dealing with professional issues.
Demonstrate self-direction and autonomy in dealing with professional issues.
Acquire effective learning strategies for the purpose of career long continuing professional development.
Critically analyse current and original concepts for the creation and interpretation of knowledge relevant to educational practice.
Critically evaluate the role of the educational professional within wider context.
Critically reflect on research findings and other evidence to inform their professional practice in relation to their early professional development.
Develop a capacity to apply relevant knowledge of education to a range of complex situations in professional practice.
Critically engage with current practice and issues in education, informed by theory and leading edge research and practice in the field.
Demonstrate originality in the application of knowledge and the development of a critical and informed perspective on how techniques of research and enquiry are used to interpret knowledge and practice in Education.
Acquire and synthesise data and concepts from a range of sources and conceptual frameworks and apply this in reflecting on and evaluating to the educational practice.

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Acquisition of knowledge and understanding is achieved through a broad range of teaching methods including lectures, tutorials, workshops, case studies and engagement with theory and research through critical reading, critical reflective practice and the use of appropriate ICT applications. Assessment will be through reflective practice assignments involving a range of assessment methods including; presentations, reports, critical reflection on professional practice accounts, practitioner research reports and other appropriate activities. Intellectual skills are developed through engagement with literature, theory and policy and through analysis and reflection on real-world professional practice, through a range of learning activities such as taught sessions, tutorials, seminars, private study and coursework assignments as appropriate. Usually, coursework assignments require the integration of theory and practice, in order to enable participants to demonstrate the learning outcomes. Intellectual skills are assessed and the mode of assessment is specified in the module handbooks. Assessment will be through reflective practice assignments involving a range of assessment methods including; individual and group work tasks, presentations, essays, reports, critical reflection on professional practice accounts, action research reports and dissertations and other appropriate activities. The underpinning assessment strategy is reflection on professional practice from a theoretical / research perspective. Practical skills are developed throughout the programme by ensuring that critical approaches to context, policy and learning for education underpin module content and processes. Equally, critical reflection on theory, research and professional practice is a design feature of all modules. Professional practical skills re assessed within the assessment strategies. Assessment will be through reflective practice assignments involving a range of assessment methods including; individual and group work tasks, presentations, reports, critical reflection on professional practice accounts, practitioner research reports and other appropriate activities. Transferable skills are incorporated within modules and related to relevant assessments as appropriate. Transferable skills are related to relevant assessment as appropriate

Opportunities for work related learning

This programme is designed to support practice based professional learning for teachers who are newly or recently qualified and working in educational settings. Participants will be in employment in schools colleges or settings that are able to support this goal during their study

Programme Structure

Programme Structure Description

The programme is part time and designed for those employed in professional practice as teachers in schools colleges or other settings. The normal mode of entry will be through advanced standing through the University's RP/RPEL process, with students being credited for previous successful study on Postgraduate Initial Teacher Training programmes. … For more content click the Read More button below.

Entry Requirements

Postgraduate degree (required for research programmes)

Extra Entry Requirements

  • to be employed as a teacher during your period of study

HECoS Code(s)

(CAH22-01) education and teaching