Target Award
Award Description:Bachelor of Arts with Honours - BAH
Alternative Exit
Alternative Exit
Alternative Exit
Programme Offerings
Educational Aims of the Course
To prepare students who are seeking a career in policing or associated field by providing a coherent programme of study that takes cognisance of the police service requirement for initial training and the developing professionalization agenda within policing. To provide a stimulating learning experience that engages students and encourages them to take responsibility for their own learning by cultivating critical, analytical, problem-solving and reflective skills within a work-based context. To challenge taken for granted notions of policing thereby deepening and broadening understanding of issues faced in the professional field. To link theory, criminal law, policy and professional practice and show how they impact on continuing professional development. To encourage students to engage with the development of employability skills by completing a self-awareness statement. The principal themes in the programme are: The development of knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes and behaviours required to work in policing, associated criminal justice or security roles.
Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Acquisition of all learning outcomes is through a combination of lectures, tutorials, practical sessions with a combination of staff-led and student centred techniques. The former includes both formal and interactive lectures and seminars that are delivered through traditional and technology enhanced methods. Emphasis is placed on students presenting ideas, discussion and reflection. In the latter tutorials, workshops and private enquiry based study are used. The programme incorporates work-based learning in a range of modules which utilise up to date case materials with guest speakers drawn in when relevant and appropriate. These methods are designed to: 1. Foster student progression 2. Stimulate interest and encourage participation 3. Provide opportunities for learning and develop learning skills for students with diverse needs 4. Encourage critical analysis, problem solving and the application of evidence based practice 5. Utilise technology enhanced learning Throughout the learner is encouraged to undertake independent reading both to supplement and consolidate what is being taught / learnt and to both broaden and deepen their individual knowledge and understanding of the subject. Knowledge and understanding is assessed via formal examination, individual and team coursework, demonstration of practical work (including International fieldwork assessment),and a full-scale individual project which is work based. Reflective writing is used throughout, particularly on work-based assessments and within the International Fieldwork module. Skills are assessed across all modules while the variety of assessments across the programme ensures that these skills are assessed in different appropriate ways. Within each level formative assessment is used to develop knowledge, understanding and skills while summative assessment is used to assess the learner’s success in achieving the learning outcomes.
Programme Structure
Programme Structure Description
The programme is offered in full time supported by information and communications technologies (ICTs). Entry to the programme is at Level 4 although prior learning may be considered (RPL/ RPEL) The qualification is relevant within policing, the Criminal Justice Sector and associated fields. The programme is taught within the University … For more content click the Read More button below.
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Entry Requirements
A levels
Alternative qualifications considered
International Baccalaureate
Irish awards
Other international requirements