Partner Details

YPC International College (Kolej Antarabangsa YPC)


Target Award

Award Description:Bachelor of Science with Honours - BSH
Alternative Exit
Alternative Exit
Alternative Exit


Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)

Programme Offerings



Educational Aims of the Course

The specific aims of the Accounting and Finance degree programme are to enable the student to:
1. Undertake a rigorous study of the theories and techniques related to accounting and financial management,
2. Acquire and develop the practical skills that are essential within an accounting and financial environment,
3. Define a course of study in accounting, finance and related subject areas that reflects their particular interests,
4. Develop the personal and key skills that will improve their ability to work effectively on their own and within
teams, and to be able to meet the challenges of working in a changing environment,
5. Prepare either for a career in accounting, finance and related business disciplines or for further relevant
academic study.
6. Engage with employability skills by completing a self-awareness statement.

Learning Outcomes

Explain the legal, social and economic environment underpinning the subject areas.
Apply basic and more complex accounting techniques in both financial and management accounting.
Apply the Regulatory Framework of Accounting to various situations.
Explain the theory underpinning accounting and finance.
Identify and use current research in technical and theoretical areas of accounting and finance.
Apply decision-making techniques in the corporate environment with regard to investment appraisal, risk management and financial structure.
Identify and apply decision making tools to review organisational performance.
Critically evaluate, analyse and interpret complex technical data.
Make decisions based on complex technical data.
Develop rational and cogent arguments concerning complex accounting/financial situations.
Critically assess accounting and finance theory and practice in the context of the social, economic and political environment.
Through independent research, find and select appropriate information from a variety of sources.
Apply specific IT software packages relevant for accounting and finance.
Apply basic quantitative techniques and statistical analysis.
Communicate effectively both orally and in writing, in manners appropriate to the target audience.
Participate effectively in a group and make group presentations.
Work independently.
Manage time effectively, plan and prioritise work, and meet deadlines.

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

The methods used to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated are as follows:
Acquisition of knowledge is through lectures, workshops and seminars. Within workshops and seminars the use of individual exercises, group based work, case study work and IT based work is utilised. Throughout the programme, students are encouraged to undertake independent reading both to supplement and consolidate what is being taught and to broaden their individual knowledge and understanding.
Testing of the knowledge base is through a combination of unseen written examinations and assessed courseworks.
There is a balance and mix of courseworks across the programme which include: essays, individual/group reports, individual/group presentations, IT-based projects.
Throughout the programme teaching involves group discussions, case study work and scenario based work which are specifically designed to encourage students to think critically, to consider alternative points of view and to apply knowledge.
Unseen written examinations and courseworks are designed to provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their intellectual skills.
The acquisition of practical skills will be developed within individual modules via workshop/seminar activities combined with VLE activities.
Unseen written examinations and courseworks are designed to allow the students to demonstrate their individual research and wider reading.
Core modules on the programme test these particular skills by a combination of IT based project work, unseen written examinations and courseworks.
Transferrable skills will be developed throughout the programme. The programme will provide students the opportunity to develop a range of skills and attributes appropriate for a career within accounting and finance.
Transferrable skills will be assessed through a number of modules. The nature of the discipline will mean that students will have to deal with complex information within assessments. This information will often be numerical in nature with students applying the correct problem solving techniques to achieve the learning outcome. Oral presentations will also play an integral role across a number of modules.
Formative assessment will be used to encourage students "to think on their feet" and evaluate performance.
Summative assessments will further develop and enhance skills in research and IT application.

Opportunities for work related learning

Work-related learning (WRL) comprises four elements:
1. Learning about oneself
2. Learning and practising skills
3. Experiencing the world of work
4. Experiencing and learning how to manage oneself in a range of situations
The programme also delivers campus-based WRL through several modules. For example, at Level 4:
4603AFYPC Academic & Professional Awareness will expose students to skill development appropriate within accounting and finance and will provide students with opportunities to network with employers/professional accounting bodies.
At Level 5 the 5603AFYPC Data Analysis for Accounting and Finance module will provide students with practical skills that are expected within the profession and the 5604LBSAF Developing Employability module provides students with opportunities to practice 'real-world' work related recruitment practice.
At Level 6 module 6603AFYPC Contemporary Issues in Accounting and Finance will provide students with opportunities to identify and evaluate new and innovative topics within the industry and 6607AFYPC Financial Modelling and Valuation will provide students with the opportunity to prepare and present a pitch book. This is industry practice when advising client organisations.

Programme Structure

Programme Structure Description

The programme is offered as a three-year full-time programme.The programme operates within the University Academic Framework and is divided into study units called modules. All modules on the programme have a credit value of 20 credits.Each 20 credit module represents 200 hours of student learning, study, revision and assessment. A … For more content click the Read More button below. This programme structure applies to students starting the programme from September 2022 onwards.  The programmes previously validated programme rules apply to existing students.

Entry Requirements

Alternative qualifications considered

HECoS Code(s)

(CAH17-01) business and management