Teaching Responsibility

LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:

Justice Studies

Learning Methods

Off Site

Module Offerings



To understand how response policing methods and activities contribute to the overall impact of policing in communities. The module is intended to ensure that students have the knowledge, understanding and skills to complement their experiential learning to perform the role of a Response Officer. This module will examine the threats, risks and challenges faced by a Response Officer and it will identify techniques and strategies aimed at improving the resilience of the Response Officer. The module will examine how demand is managed and how the students can review their decision-making. They will review the evidence base in this area and research how to implement and develop practical solutions to provide effective policing methods in this area whilst furthering their own competence within the pathway.


Module Content

Outline Syllabus:
Public perceptions of policing in a response context, impact of incidents on individuals and/or groups, mental wellbeing in policing, JESIP in a operational policing context, dealing with major and critical incidents, dealing with UAVs
Module Overview:
The module is intended to ensure that students have the knowledge understanding and skills to deal with more complex issues in a Response Policing context.
Additional Information:
Lectures will provide the students with information and theories. Students will then explore the theory in more detail and context through facilitated discussion and exercises. Students will examine challenges that response police officers face, including firearms and knife incidents, the challenges of reducing violence against women and girls, and young people as victims and offenders in homicide.Students will also examine the impact that being a response officer can have on their mental health, and will examine how to build resilience and be more self-aware. They will analyse effective decision making and lawful use of force, and the impact this can have on public support. Additionally, they will analyse how demand can be understood and managed, using preventative methods, and how effective media strategies are important in policing. Students will then write an extended essay to critically analyse aspects of response policing that impact heavily on demand, and make recommendations how this demand can be reduced.

This module outline must be read in conjunction with the module appendix and mapping spreadsheet which details the National Policing Curriculum content areas, learning outcomes and minimum content relating to each of the module learning outcomes, which can be found on the Module Key Information tab on Canvas.

