Teaching Responsibility

LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:

Civil Engineering and Built Environment

Learning Methods


Module Offerings



To introduce the analysis of statically indeterminate structures and the analysis of the plastic behaviour of steel structures. To design and detail structural elements in reinforced concrete and structural steelwork using Eurocode 2 and 3. Introduce students to the use of software for the analysis and design of structures.

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:Analysis of beams. Statically indeterminate beams, deflection, composite (flitch) beams. Analysis of Frames, including sway Moment distribution, plastic analysis, virtual work, slope deflection Analysis of columns. Reinforced concrete design and detailing to EC2 of rectangular and flanged beams, slabs, pad foundations and stocky columns. Structural steelwork design and detailing to EC3 of laterally restrained and unrestrained beams, columns and connections.
Module Overview:
This module introduces to you the analysis of statically indeterminate structures and the analysis of the plastic behaviour of steel structures. You will develop your analytical skills to include the analysis of redundant structures, and will learn to apply the Eurocodes in the design of simple concrete and steel structures. You will also be introduced to industry standard analysis and design software.
Additional Information:The analysis and design of structures. Students will develop their analytical skills to include the analysis of redundant structures, and will learn to apply the Eurocodes in the design of simple concrete and steel structures. They will also be introduced to industry standard analysis and design software. Where this module is part of a Degree Apprenticeship programme, the knowledge learning outcomes are K2 and K4.


Centralised Exam