Teaching Responsibility

LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:

LJMU Partner Taught

Learning Methods


Module Offerings



This module aims to develop an awareness of the importance of research in the design process and how that can that be applied in relation to a finished design. Alongside this, the module is about developing a practical understanding of costume/property-making techniques and skills and applying those in relation to a final design-led performance or presentation.

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:
The module will begin with a series of lectures and field visits, combined with private research time and drawing. Practical workshops will introduce particular making skills in relation to communicating designs and costume and prop making. The module will build to an intense period of practical realisation culminating in a presentation/performance. Assessment will take into account the continual design and realisation process as well as the finished costume and prop plus work files documenting the research and making process.
Module Overview:
This will be an intense and highly practical module, covering a wide range of design and making skills. It will involve both individual and collaborative work and culminate with a design-led presentation/performance.

