Teaching Responsibility

LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:

Computer Science and Mathematics

Learning Methods


Module Offerings



To enhance students software development and problem solving skills. To develop problem decomposition and analysis skills. To enhance students understanding of computer security using a popular programming language.

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:Problem Decomposition Flow Diagrams Algorithms Pseudocode Minimum Viable Product Object-Oriented Design Information Representation Open Source Project and Development Team Work
Module Overview:
This module enhances your software development, problem solving skills, problem decomposition and analysis skills. Your understanding of computer security will be developed through the use of a popular programming language. You will apply your understanding in two assessments. First, you will apply design and problem analysis techniques to a relevant case study scenario involving computer security. Second, you will translate such a design into a software solution.
Additional Information:Students will apply their understanding in two assessments. First, they will apply design and problem analysis techniques to a relevant case study scenario involving computer security. Second, they will translate such a design into a software solution.

