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Module Offerings



This module will enable participants to develop and evaluate forms of intervention most likely to support the social and emotional well being of the children and young people your work with, as well as to consider the role of the different professionals when working within a multi-disciplinary team.

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:Guiding learners with VI, where appropriate, with emotional relationships with adults and children/young people, and with peers and understand how positive relationships can promote good behaviour and self-esteem; Identifying the need for specific interventions from other professionals, such as counselling or emotional support for more complex emotional situations; Issues of stereotyping and equal opportunities as they apply to learners with VI; The impact of long-standing or progressive sight loss on the emotions, learning, behaviour, mental health, outcomes and quality of life of learners with VI and their families; Helping learners with VI to develop effective social and emotional skills; Supporting learners with VI to understand their sight loss, encourage them to manage equipment independently where appropriate and develop a positive self-image as a young person; Opportunities for learners with VI to make friends and enjoy leisure pursuits; Promoting knowledge and skills related to personal, social and health education, and sex and relationship education; The importance of recognising opportunities for young people with VI to socialise, as appropriate, with other young people with VI; Principles and practices associated with successful transition; Transition planning and opportunities for school leavers with VI ensuring that learners with VI have high expectations for what they can achieve and understand any implications that sight loss may have on their future career choices; Rights and expectations of learners with VI and of their parents/carers and the importance of providing opportunities for them to make informed choices and to express their views about issues that affect them as individuals and collectively Initiatives linked to access and disability discrimination, and contribute to access planning for learners with VI; Linguistic and cultural implications of working with learners and families for whom English is an additional language; Potential impact of families having one or more children with VI and know how to support them if required; Use of voluntary and advocacy agencies in helping learners with VI and their parents/carers to make a full contribution to decisions about education and care; Roles and responsibilities of the range of specialist services and agencies that work with learners with VI and their families and the contribution they make to the education, health and care of children and young people with VI
Module Overview:
The Support Systems for Visually Impaired Learners module will focus on developing and evaluating different forms of intervention that will support the social and emotional wellbeing of children and young people as well as consider the role that different professionals play when working within a multi-disciplinary team.
Additional Information:This module is part of the PG Diploma in Teaching Visually Impaired Learners delivered in collaboration with St Vincent’s School. Children and young people with visual impairment often require additional opportunities to develop independence skills, including mobility, orientation and daily living skills. Professionals who support children and young people with visual impairment will need to understand therefore how such input can be provided in order to reduce potential barriers to learning and participation.

