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To investigate the role and functionality of data warehouses in support of business intelligence. To evaluate the process of extract, transform & loading in the construction of data warehouses. To investigate the differing platforms available for business intelligence reporting. To develop service oriented applications that support business intelligence dashboards.

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:Analytical Limitations of Relational Databases Systems Business Intelligence & Analytical Database Multi-Dimensional Modelling Star & Snow Flake Schemas. Cubes Aggregations MOLAP, ROLAP & HOLAP Analytical Extensions to SQL Extract Transform & Loading Reporting Platforms Web Based Reporting Services Thin/Fat Clients & Servers Platforms for Business Intelligence Dashboards Web Services Object Relationship Mapping Object Oriented Programming Presentation of Data
Additional Information:This module explores a growing area of database systems, that of the analytical database. It explorers the rapid growth of business intelligence data and the complex data models that are needed to support it. The module continues by exploring the platforms and processes that report such data through both web based and service oriented platforms.

