Teaching Responsibility
LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:
Learning Methods
Module Offerings
The module aims to provide the students with advanced knowledge and skills of electronics systems design, to enable students to design practical applications with the integration of analogue and digital systems.
Module Content
Outline Syllabus:1. FPGA based design
Design ALU and FSM using reconfigurable systems. Combinational, synchronous and asynchronous sequential design in programmable logic. Considerations for high speed systems, metastability and clock distribution, transmission line considerations. Input and output options. Introduction to
2. VHDL based design
Hardware Descriptor Language (HDL) programming. Design, test, simulation and implementation on a Xilinx Spartan 3E FPGA, using the proprietary CAD tool Xilinx ISE.
3. Microprocessor based design
Design and implementation of digital systems with microcontrollers; I/O in digital systems, on-board serial data communication with peripheral ICs, and offboard communication with a host or other computing entity via, for example, USB or radio telemetry; Buses and bus timing; Memory device technology and interfacing;
4. Systems integrations
Integrated I/O Interfaces, for example, ADC, UART, SPI, I2C and Interrupt Controller.
Development platforms for digital systems, JTAG development and debugging environments.
Design of advanced analogue data acquisition and filtering systems. Measurement of information, A/D converters, source coding, circuits and techniques for error detection and correction in digital systems, D/A converters, control and drive circuits.
Design of power supplies for digital and analogue systems.
Module Overview:
The module aims to provide the students with advanced knowledge and skills of electronics systems design, to enable students to design practical applications with the integration of analogue and digital systems. This Level 6 module will provide students with advanced skills to design and integrate electronic systems in practical applications.
The module aims to provide the students with advanced knowledge and skills of electronics systems design, to enable students to design practical applications with the integration of analogue and digital systems. This Level 6 module will provide students with advanced skills to design and integrate electronic systems in practical applications.
Additional Information:This Level 6 module will provide students with advanced skills to design and integrate electronic systems in practical applications.