Teaching Responsibility

LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:

Public and Allied Health

Learning Methods


Module Offerings



This module will build on the specialist knowledge acquired in Contemporary SCPHN practice part 1. It will enable the student to develop their knowledge and abilities in SCPHN practice.

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:Assessing and evaluating practice. Measuring outcomes Public health approaches to service development Ethical dilemmas in contemporary practice Critical review of public health policy A leadership approach to service development Strengths based working and supporting theories; such as self-efficacy theory, self-determination theory. Engagement of individuals, families and communities Analysing reflective skills in practice Professional values and behaviours - 6Cs. Professional responsibility, accountability confidentiality, legislation and record keeping. Nurse Prescribing (V100): 1. Consultation, decision-making and therapy, including referral; 2. Influences on, and psychology of, prescribing; 3. Prescribing in a team context; 4. Clinical pharmacology, including the effects of co-morbidity; 5. Evidence-based practice and clinical governance in relation to nurse prescribing; 6. Legal, policy and ethical aspects; 7. Professional accountability and responsibility; 8. Prescribing in the public health context
Module Overview:
In this module you are required and facilitated to extend your theoretical learning to apply to your own core settings/clients, and this is reflected in your assignments. In addition there are route specific sessions with a health visitor or school nurse. The module continues to provide a theoretical foundation to your practice as well as enabling practitioners to develop innovative and creative practice.
Additional Information:This module will continue to provide a theoretical foundation to SCPHN practice and enable practitioners to develop innovative and creative practice. In this module students are required and facilitated to extend their theoretical learning to apply to their own core settings / clients, and this is reflected in their assignments. In addition there are route specific sessions with a health visitor or school nurse focus. The Practice Evidence Tool must be passed in order to pass this module. This module includes community practitioner prescribing which is assessed by an exam. The pass mark is 80%, however the numeracy questions must score 100%. Additionally, if any answers suggest risking the patient’s health, the exam will be marked as a fail. The prescribing competences in the V100 Practice Competency Framework Document must also be passed. The prescribing element of this module is graded as pass / fail. Learning Outcome for V100 Nurse Prescribing Practice within a framework of professional accountability and responsibility to apply and display knowledge of drug action in prescribing practice to provide a rationale to support the decision making process in safe, appropriate and cost-effective prescribing within area of individual practice.

