Teaching Responsibility
LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:
Justice Studies
Learning Methods
Module Offerings
This module aims to develop learners' understanding and engagement with the concept of continuous professional development. It will reflect on and apply learning that has taken place across all modules and integrate this learning to allow learners to develop a comprehensive and realistic continuous professional development plan, moving forward in their professional careers within the Probation Service.
Module Content
Outline Syllabus:
Introduction - what is continuous professional development - reflective practitionership - ethics and values - delivering and engaging in Feedback - developing and maintaining professional relationships with colleagues and partnership organisations - working with diversity - developing future practice - conclusion and reflection - drop in sessions.
Introduction - what is continuous professional development - reflective practitionership - ethics and values - delivering and engaging in Feedback - developing and maintaining professional relationships with colleagues and partnership organisations - working with diversity - developing future practice - conclusion and reflection - drop in sessions.
Module Overview:
This module will engage learners with the concept of continuous professional development and the importance of reflective practice. Incorporated into the module will be a focus on around reflexivity, engaging with awareness of ones' own place within practice and how ethics and values are incorporated into this, with a view to enabling learners to critically appraise practitionership and the braider workings of the criminal justice system. The module will also focus on career development and career planning, with learners being required to integrate their learning and development into a personal career plan.
This module will engage learners with the concept of continuous professional development and the importance of reflective practice. Incorporated into the module will be a focus on around reflexivity, engaging with awareness of ones' own place within practice and how ethics and values are incorporated into this, with a view to enabling learners to critically appraise practitionership and the braider workings of the criminal justice system. The module will also focus on career development and career planning, with learners being required to integrate their learning and development into a personal career plan.