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Module Offerings
The module will introduce students to computational engineering analysis using finite element analysis (FEA) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and will extend their experience and skill with the aid of industry standard software.
Module Content
Outline Syllabus:Practical aspects of FEA
Modelling strategy. Planning the analysis.
Loading, point loads, stress singularities, pressure loading, examples. Boundary conditions, use of symmetry, balanced loading and minimum constraint avoidance of free body motion, problems associated with inappropriate boundary conditions, basic contact in assemblies, examples.
Choice of element, mesh controls and mesh density, convergence of results,
problems with element distortion, adaptive meshing. Managing the solution, types of
solver, analysis of errors and warnings.
Post processing and results checking. Review of available results, stress, strain,
displacement, primary and derived quantities etc. Interpretation of results, checking
results, reaction forces, displaced shape, nodal and element plots, hand calculations.
Thermal analysis and thermal stress analysis. Planning the analysis, steady state,
transient. Boundary conditions, temperature, convection, heat flux, radiation,
solution output, temperature distribution, derived field quantities. Thermal stress
analysis, sequential, coupled (description only) transfer of mesh and nodal
temperatures to structural analysis. Examples
Modal Dynamics. Brief description of eigenvalue extraction techniques. Planning
the analysis, boundary conditions, number of modes to extract, symmetry conditions,
interpretation of results output. Examples
Shell and beam modelling. Modelling thin components, shells. Modelling using
beam elements. Mixed meshing, solids, shells and beams. Examples
Theoretical aspects of FEA
Review of matrix algebra, matrix representation of linear simultaneous equations,
types of matrix, multiplication, transpose, inverse, quadratic form, solution of
equations using Gaussian elimination or equivalent. General FEA principles,
application to simple one dimensional problems, comparison with traditional
methods. Example using two stepped bar elements represented as springs, concept
of nodes and elements, element stiffness matrix determination by direct approach,
incorporation of loads and BC's, solution.
Global stiffness matrix assembly and solution. Example using three or more springs,
derivation of element stiffness matrix using direct approach, element connectivity
and assembly of global stiffness matrix, incorporation of loads and BC's to remove
singularity, solution. Bandwidth and alternative element connectivity. Multiple load
Practical aspects of CFD
Use of a commercial CFD code to solve engineering problems.
Approach to setting up a CFD model. Identification of the underlying physics applicable for a given problem. Prediction of expected results based classical theory and rough hand calculations. Examination of the typical boundary conditions available within a commercial CFD code and the study of their validity. Selection of the boundary conditions required to capture the expected physical behaviour at the limits of the modelled region.
Economic use of CFD, run time and computing resources required. Strategies to reduce the size of model required, use of symmetry in 2D and 3D models, transfer of boundary conditions from other models.
Meshing quality, mesh construction and strategies for mesh refinement, mesh independence, adaptive mesh refinement. Selection of an appropriate computational domain for external flows, refinement and optimisation of computational domain dimensions.
Monitoring the solution process, convergence control and relationships between convergence criteria and accuracy of solution, strategies for economic solution.
Simultaneous solution of mass and heat transfers (conjugate heat transfer) including flow freezing and its effects on solution time. Use and control of solution adaptive mesh refinement techniques and implications for run time and storage requirements.
Presentation and interpretation of CFD results. Extracting performance indicators, point values, surface integrals for loads and mean values of physical parameters. Strate
Additional Information:An important feature of the module is that the students gain an understanding of the need to adopt a disciplined approach when using numerical CAE tools within an engineering environment. During the module the students must demonstrate an approach to analysis that guarantees the production of accurate, physically sound and well validated results. The module will introduce the students to suitable FEA and CFD methodologies. Whilst the theoretical aspects of the methods will be covered in lectures the module is intended to be practical in nature with students having the opportunity to practice via a range of tutorials and assignments using industry standard software. The module assignments will require that the students drive the software tools in a competent and professionally sound manner.