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The main aim of this study project is to increase knowledge in specific areas in the field of International Relations, and to enhance skills in undertaking and writing up independent research in the next level. Specifically it is aimed to develop skills in design and execution of an independent study project, to develop skills in project management, to provide training in report writing and to develop time management.

Learning Outcomes

Plan and execute an independent piece of study with appropriate allowances for the time necessary to complete each stage.
Undertake a literature review focused within a specific study area.
Produce a scientific synthesis, interpretation and analysis of primary data gathered during execution.
Produce a substantial well-organized and written scientific report.

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:1. The student conducts independent study project on a topic within the field of International Relations 2. The student chooses a specific area for the project and seek for a supervisor 3. The student is allowed to have two supervisors maximum, but one should be from the internal staff assigned by the college 4. Once finalising the project topic and the supervisor, the student must develop an action plan and submit to the supervisor 5. The student should prepare the project proposal based on the common guidelines 6. The research unit must approve the project proposal before the student can continue the research activities. 7. The student should commence conducting the independent project with the supervisory support 8. The student works autonomously, consults supervisors and others when appropriate 9. The student must prepare the independent study project report based on the given guidelines
Additional Information:Recommended reading: Sekaran, U. and Bougie, R. 2016. Research Methods for Business: A Skills Building Approach. 7th ed. New Delhi: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-119-26684-6 Malhotra, N. K., 2011. Marketing Research An Applied Orientation. 6 ed. New Delhi: Pearson India. ISBN: 9789332555693/9788131731819, 8131731812 Saunders, M. Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A., 2015. Research Methods for Business Students. 7th ed. Harlow: Pearson. ISBN 13: 9781292016627

