Teaching Responsibility

LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:

Biological and Environmental Sciences

Learning Methods


Module Offerings



To evaluate the behaviour and welfare of companion animals.

Learning Outcomes

Discuss a range of behaviour and welfare issues in companion animals and consider the possible underlying causes.
Discuss the human-animal bond in relation to functions of companion animals in modern society e.g. as pets and in animal assisted therapy.
Evaluate the effectiveness of positive reinforcement and negative punishment to the training and behaviour modification of companion animals.
Discuss the role of a companion animal behaviour consultant

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:Introduction to the behaviour & welfare of companion animals. Consequences of domestication at breed level. Introduction to sensory perception & communication signals. Common behavioural problems & possible causes. Companion animal welfare issues (e.g. welfare assessment, legislation, training & behavioural modification methods, breeding). Animal learning in relation to training & behaviour modification. Pet behaviour consultancy: the role of a companion animal behaviour consultant including aspects of clinical procedures - principles, procedures and practice. The human-animal bond & animal assisted therapy.
Module Overview:
The aim of this module is to evaluate the behaviour and welfare of companion animals. The module focuses mainly on dogs, specialising in the varied roles our companion animals are faced with in modern society and the impacts these may have on their welfare.
Additional Information:An introduction to companion animal behaviour which focuses mainly on dogs, specialising in the varied roles our companion animals are faced with in modern society and the impacts these may have on their welfare.

