Teaching Responsibility
LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:
Computer Science and Mathematics
Learning Methods
Module Offerings
To provide mathematical knowledge essential in complex 3D graphics and animation.
To explain the key principles of 3D computer graphics.
To develop skills in 3D computer graphics operations using modern 3D graphical API.
To explain GPU graphics programming using shaders.
Module Content
Outline Syllabus:Mathematics principles:
-Solving linear inequalities.
-Discrete sampling and interpolation.
-Revision on Vectors and Matrices: Mathematical and geometric definitions of vector, Vectors vs. Points, Vector additions, subtraction, and multiplications, Vector dot product and cross product, unit vector, Transforms and Matrices. Applying these concepts in 3D space.
-3D Coordinate space: Euclidean Geometry, 3D Cartesian Coordinates. Affine and coordinate system transformations.
-Theory of rotation in 3D and its implementation: Euler Angle, Tait-Bryan, Axis-Angle and Quaternion (including Complex Numbers).
Introduction to Programmable Graphics Pipeline using GPU Shaders.
-Pipeline Stages.
-Local, World, View and Screen Spaces.
-Simple triangle rasterization.
Polygonal representation
-Polygon Meshes: Vertices, Edge and Faces, Graphics primitives, Indexed triangle mesh, surface normal. Buffer formations and Topologies.
-DCC (Digital Content Creation) Content Importing and Data Parsing for Polygonal Meshes and Texture/Buffer Resources.
Texture mapping, including
-Diffuse, Specular and Normal mapping.
-Magnification (point sampling, linear sampling)
-Minification and MIP Mapping
-Texture as a Resource, RenderTargets and RTT.
-Texture mapping implementation using shaders.
Illumination and shading model including,
-Basic radiometry
-Rendering in nature: Introduction to Physically-Based Lighting.
-Local Illumination vs. Global Illumination– Indirect vs. Direct Lighting.
-Simple BRDF-based lighting techniques.
-Phong Illumination Model: Ambient, Diffuse and specular lighting.
-Light sources: Direct, Point and Spot light sources.
-Normal vector calculations.
-Local illumination implementation using shaders.
Theory of viewing and projection in 3D and their implementation.
-Specifying output window, window aspect ratio, view frustum, field of view, and zoom.
-View Matrix
-Orthographic and Perspective Projection.
-Projection matrix.
Pipeline Control:
-Data Semantics, State Objects, Blend Equations, Z-Culling, Winding Order, Constant Buffers, Shader Parameters and Function Specifications.
-Sampling and anti-aliasing
3D Animation Techniques:
-Euler, Axis-Angle, Quaternion
Module Overview:
This module builds on your knowledge of 2D graphics and furthers your knowledge in 3D computer graphics, from the underlying mathematical principles to your application in the development of 3D computer games. The module uses a modern GPU-driven graphics API to demonstrate how complex 3D scenes can be constructed using a wide range of 3D graphical techniques. You will be taught about the programmable pipeline, including shader implementations of lighting and texture calculations.
This module builds on your knowledge of 2D graphics and furthers your knowledge in 3D computer graphics, from the underlying mathematical principles to your application in the development of 3D computer games. The module uses a modern GPU-driven graphics API to demonstrate how complex 3D scenes can be constructed using a wide range of 3D graphical techniques. You will be taught about the programmable pipeline, including shader implementations of lighting and texture calculations.
Additional Information:This module builds on the students' knowledge of 2D graphics and furthers their knowledge in 3D computer graphics, from the underlying mathematical principles to their application in the development of 3D computer games. The module uses a modern GPU-driven graphics API to demonstrate how complex 3D scenes can be constructed using a wide range of 3D graphical techniques. Students will be taught about the programmable pipeline, including shader implementations of lighting and texture calculations.