Teaching Responsibility

LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:

Justice Studies

Learning Methods


Module Offerings



1. To develop critical thinking about the nature of criminological research and research problems. 2. To critically evaluate the principles, practice, politics and ethics of quantitative research methods in criminology. 3. To develop professional skills in widely used computer packages for quantitative data capture, analysis and reporting. 4. To enhance skills of group-work and communication through digital video capture and group work research projects. 5. To develop a viable and ethically sound research plan for future research.

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:
The module seeks to cover an indicative range of topics including: • What is criminological information and research? • Principles of quantitative research methods. • Defining and refining a research problem in criminology. • Data collection methods, implementation and managing data collection in the field. • Problem solving. • Sampling procedures. • Politics and ethics of research, reflexivity and representation. • Data preparation, verification, structure, quality and analysis. • SPSS skills for questionnaire data. • Effective group work and project management.
Module Overview:
This module will develop your ability to critically think about the nature of criminological research and research problems. In doing so, you will be required to critically evaluate the principles, practice, politics and ethics of quantitative research methods in criminology.

Alongside this, the module intends to further support your professional development. This includes practise of widely used computer packages for quantitative data capture, analysis and reporting. As well as opportunities for group-work and collaborative research projects, with the intention to develop a viable and ethically sound research plan for future research.
Additional Information:
As developing criminology researchers, this module is concerned with designing and undertaking a focused piece of criminological research using quantitative research methods. In carrying out the research and in collecting the data, we expect students to give due regard to both the philosophical basis of criminological research and, just as importantly, to recognize the complex ethical issues that can often underpin research. Students will be introduced to software for data management and retrieval. The module also requires students to design a research proposal for a viable future piece of research that may become the focus of a level 6 dissertation study.

