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To allow the student to investigate a variety of web development technologies and practice techniques for developing dynamic websites

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:Networks, the Internet and World Wide Web Client and Server communications; Request-response communication protocols Web Design Client-side markup and formatting languages Web page layout Client side dynamism techniques Server side dynamism techniques and programming (e.g. PHP) Asynchronous web applications Web security; Transport-layer security
Additional Information:Increasingly much of the world's software is being run in a web browser. Software offered over the Web provides many sought after benefits in software deployment: ease of implementation, universality and ubiquity of access, and availability of server-side data and services. This module seeks to endow the student with the necessary knowledge and underpinning technologies to develop for the World Wide Web. Students will learn techniques and technologies to develop web applications, hosted on a web application server, using a server side programming language to dynamically generate standards compliant markup, driven from a data source, using design principles which abstract content from aesthetic and utilises client-side dynamism to enhance the user's experience, using industry standard toolsets and web-focused APIs.

