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This module introduces the subject of 3D Computer Aided Design, with a focus on solid modelling of parts and assemblies in order to produce engineering drawings.

Learning Outcomes

Understand 2D engineering drawings in the creation of 3D parts and assemblies
Apply solid modelling techniques to create 3D parts
Apply solid modelling techniques to create 3D assemblies

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:File Management How to store, retrieve and use files correctly. Parts classification and coding systems. 3D modelling 3D techniques e.g. addition and subtraction of material, 3D coordinate entry (x, y, z), wire frame modelling, 2D to 3D (thickness, extrusion); solid models. Preparation Design intent, location of origin, selection of planes and units. Terminology Basic geometry, axis, planes, origin, face, edge, vertex geometric relationships, horizontal, vertical, intersection, parallel, collinear, perpendicular, coincident, document properties and system options. User interface Opening and saving files, toolbars, menus' feature manager, property manager, configuration manager toolbox, standard component libraries, help and tutorials. Navigation View control, view display, display modes, standard views. Sketching Sketching environment, sketching tools, dimensioning sketches, editing sketches, applying relations in sketches, understand concept of fully defined sketch. Solid extrusions Creating solid and thin base features, adding bosses and cutting features. Features Creating chamfers, fillets, shelling, ribs, draft angles, use of hole wizard. Common operations Converting entities, mirroring, linear and circular patterns, revolved extrusions/cuts, sweeps, lofting, adding and editing relations, creating additional planes. Assemblies Creating bottom up assemblies; inserting and manipulating components, degrees of freedom, adding mate relations, create sub-assemblies, editing assembly mates, editing assembly models, mirrored and patterned components. Interpretation of engineering drawings Projections: Orthographic, first-angle / third angle projection. Multi-view drawings: Selection / number of views, auxiliary views, detail views and cross-sections. Types of line: visible, hidden, centre, cutting planes, section and hatching. Dimensioning: Parallel, running, chain, combined, co-ordinates, tabular, holes, circles and radii. Hole and shaft based tolerancing; Bilateral and unilateral tolerancing; surface finish.
Module Overview:
This module introduces the subject of 3D Computer Aided Design, with a focus on solid modelling of parts and assemblies in order to produce engineering drawings.
Additional Information:UN Sustainable Development Goals This module includes content that relates to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals: SDG09 – this module investigates advanced design processes used to deliver products to market at a faster rate, boosting industrial productivity in a sustainable manner.

