Teaching Responsibility
LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:
Learning Methods
Module Offerings
The SEA will manage and support a team of EAs who facilitate packages of psychological therapies and employment support to people with common mental health disorders who are struggling at work, off sick from work or looking to find work. SEAs will lead the EA team and represent them as a member of the relevant Management Team. The SEA will promote and ensure that employment support is a central concern in their IAPT service. SEAs will work with the IAPT clinical lead to consolidate the therapy and employment support to create care pathway(s) to support individuals with common mental health disorders to gain, return to or retain employment. The SEA will lead the work to develop good working relationships with local employers, trade unions, Job Centre Plus and other organisations forming the local labour market.
Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate the ability to use effective leadership and management skills in their workplace
Demonstrate the ability to accurately review learning using skills that recognise and reward the staff members progress
Demonstrate the ability to accurately assess the staff members level of competence in undertaking their designated role.
Demonstrate the ability to use emotional intelligence in their work
Demonstrate the required attributes to be an inspirational leader
Demonstrate the ability to effectively coach and mentor staff
Demonstrate the ability to set relevant and appropriate objectives which assist in performance planning and management
Demonstrate the ability to effectively support staff in their management of their caseloads
Demonstrate the ability to performance manage staff and signpost to relevant learning opportunities such as CPD and in work consolidation
Demonstrate the ability to effectively identify learning needs , facilitate the requisite learning and monitor progress and provide feedback
Demonstrate the ability to effectively manage difficult conversations and manage conflict
Module Content
Outline Syllabus:Demonstrate how you would work with senior staff in the work place to maintain effective referral pathways between:
• your IAPT therapy and employment services internally and
• externally between IAPT employment services with other employment support providers (excluding Jobcentre Plus, signposting and self referral routes should be established with Jobcentre Plus)
• Describe the principles of adult learning
Through role play:
• Employ the principles of adult learning
• Demonstrate the collaborative manner of the learning intervention
• Interpret your supervisee’s preferred approach to learning and adapt your approach accordingly
• Employ techniques to encourage your supervisee’s to identify learning and development needs and address any gaps by creating their own learning objectives
• Demonstrate the ability to encourage reflection from your Employment Adviser
• Explain the implications of different educational models for supervisory practice
• Illustrate the conditions in which learning is most likely to take place
• Explain the implications of different educational models for supervisory practice
• Illustrate the conditions in which learning is most likely to take place
• Identify the most appropriate techniques to achieve a desired learning outcome
• Describe what needs to be in place for feedback to be effective
• Recognise the organisational context/environment/procedures in which the supervisee works and take these into account when planning a learning intervention
• Demonstrate an awareness that supervision should be conducted within relevant ethical and professional frameworks and what these frameworks are
• Complete a contract for supervision which specifies aims through negotiation with your supervisee
• Describe the process to follow should you have concerns about your supervisee’s practice and performance
• Describe how you would ensure that your supervisee understood the process you will follow should you have concerns about their practice and performance
• Discuss the importance of being open to feedback from your supervisee should the supervision not meet their expectations
• Demonstrate an ability to negotiate and implement basic expectations regarding supervision
• Relate the planned aims, content and focus of a supervision session to your supervisee
• Demonstrate an ability to reach agreement with the supervisee of a clear rationale for their work
• Explain why it is important that a supervisor remains aware of their supervisee’s overall progress
• Explain what is important when selecting cases for discussion during performance monitoring
• Plan sessions that utilise educational models which promote opportunity for reflection and self-appraisal
• Describe specific techniques which help aid reflection
• Demonstrate an ability to encourage future reflection and not inhibit reflection due to the manner in which you respond to the supervisee’s reflections
• Describe how you would assess your supervisee’s ability to engage in accurate reflection and self-appraisal
• Describe how you would identify that your supervisee was responding appropriately to feedback
• Describe how you would discuss issues in your supervisee’s ability to reflect on feedback or self-appraise their work
Through role play demonstrate the ability to:
• Ensure that a good relationship is in place that allows feedback to be accepted and reflected upon
• Detect if the supervisee is receptive to feedback
• Address issues that may prevent the supervisee being receptive to feedback
• Pitch feedback at an appropriate level
• Check the understanding of the supervisee to feedback given
• Identify if feedback is having a negative impact on the supervisee
• Manage any negative impact on the supervisee in a supportive manner
• Describe the components of effective feedback
Through role play demonstrate the ability to:
• Suggest alternative actions that the supervisee could take to address problems in their work
• Ensure feedback is phrased in a manner t
Module Overview:
The SEA will manage and support a team of EAs who facilitate packages of psychological therapies and employment support to people with common mental health disorders who are struggling at work, off sick from work or looking to find work.
The SEA will manage and support a team of EAs who facilitate packages of psychological therapies and employment support to people with common mental health disorders who are struggling at work, off sick from work or looking to find work.
Additional Information:The student will be required to achieve a pass mark for both the reflective essay and the skills assessment.
The skills assessment will comprise the submission of a summatively assessed scenario based role play of a supervision session with an employment advisor.
Senior employment advisors can choose to complete the assessments element of this module if they wish to be become accredited supervisors ( accreditation will be via Skills for Justice).
1. This is a professional course where the learning outcomes are mapped to agreed professional standards. Although the programme has nominally been assigned as level 4, this is for recording purposes only. The course is non-credit bearing and so does not take account of national qualification frameworks and benchmarks.
2. It will be delivered part time via distance learning.
3. The University has been commissioned to deliver the course on a closed-client basis. There are no other admissions criteria.
4. There is no formal award from the University.
5. The students will have access to a VLE site and the University's other range of electronic support such as access to the electronic library facilities. The module VLE site reflects contemporary reading lists and links to journal articles. The module VLE site also includes a number of presentations for students to access on areas such as critical writing and library support. The students also have access to the module leader through phone contact, emails and face to face meetings. A module guide is also provided, which guides students to the wider range of support available.
6. Participant engagement is required throughout the module.
7. As a non-credit bearing course, it is not subject to University validation processes.
8. The methods for improving the quality and standards of learning are as follows:
• Continuous Monitoring and Enhancements (CME)
• Liaison and feedback from the students
• Reports from the External Examiner
• Programme team ensuring the module reflects the values of the current teaching and learning strategy
• Module leader updating knowledge and skills to ensure these remain current and relevant.
9. It is a professional requirement that an external examiner is appointed to the course.
10. The approved intake dates are flexible.
11. The programme code is 36196.