Teaching Responsibility
LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:
Learning Methods
Module Offerings
To make a contribution to the development of new knowledge in an area of educational practice.
Learning Outcomes
Discover, interpret, communicate and defend new knowledge of educational practice through original research.
Critically and creatively evaluate contemporary issues, research and advanced scholarship in an appropriate area of education.
Synthesise relevant theoretical perspectives, research findings and professional practice.
Apply appropriate research and scholarly techniques to a key issue in educational practice in an ethically sound manner.
Present and defend research outcomes that extend the forefront of knowledge in a relevant area of professional practice.
Module Content
Outline Syllabus:The thesis will be based on an area of relevance to the student's professional practice. It will represent a significant contribution to knowledge and will contain material that is of publishable quality. The majority of the work on the thesis will be carried out during this module, but it is anticipated that this will develop from ideas explored in part one of the EdD. Central to this, the thesis will be informed by development work outlined in the research proposal (8002EDDOC), but may evolve from that if necessary.
Module Overview:
The thesis is 60,000 word document defended in viva voce (oral examination).
The thesis is 60,000 word document defended in viva voce (oral examination).
Additional Information:The thesis offers the student an opportunity to explore an area of interest associated with their professional practice. This will develop from the research proposal submitted in part one of the programme. The depth and breadth of this work will be commensurate with that expected at doctoral level and will be of publishable quality. Students will be supervised throughout the process.