Teaching Responsibility
LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:
Learning Methods
Module Offerings
To understand the role of functional safety in reducing risks, and to devise and apply Safety Integrity Level (SIL) targets and the methods appropriate to assessing the degree of risk reduction achieved, when implementing protection systems.
Learning Outcomes
Define safety functions and target Safety Integrity Level (SIL) requirements which will reduce the associated risks to a tolerable level.
Apply the analysis methodologies to ensure that, when implemented, the safety systems achieve specified risk reduction targets.
Logically deduce how the level of risk reduction achieved by a safety system could be improved and when risk has been reduced to As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP).
Module Content
Outline Syllabus:Outline Syllabus:
• Introduction to Functional Safety – background, terminology and aims
• The Safety Lifecycle (IEC 61508 view)
• Hazard & Risk Analysis techniques
• SIL Selection (setting targets and requirements)
• Safety Requirements Specification development
• SIL and the Design Process
• Beyond Design Lifecycle Phases
• Compliance Demonstration
• Safety/Project Lifecycle Management
Additional Information:The module aims to enable students to understand and apply the principles of functional safety to the development and assessment of safety systems and is based around the important IEC 61508 functional safety standard.
The module illustrates the primary elements of the safety lifecycle and how these are applied to the development of safety systems which serve to reduce the risks associated with hazardous equipment or processes to a tolerable level.
The module also covers the assessment of safety systems to confirm that the functional requirements and risk reduction targets set for the system have been achieved.
The module allows the students to develop expertise in the application of the techniques necessary to specify, implement and assess safety systems to meet the requirements of IEC 61508.
Assessment is in the form of an essay combined with activities (e.g. exercises, discussions, etc.).
The module is delivered via distance learning, described as follows:
Lecture (using slides and slide notes): Online self-study
Tutorial/Activities (Exercises and reviews): Online activities with teacher feedback, and virtual classrooms
Tutor-supported Online: Tutor feedback for activities, virtual classrooms and email support