Teaching Responsibility

LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:

LJMU Partner Taught

Learning Methods


Module Offerings



To support professionals’ understanding of conceptual frameworks and equip them with the skills to learn and perform at level 7.

Learning Outcomes

Synthesise theory and research associated with learning at Masters level
Critically analyse key theoretical frameworks and concepts in adult learning
Critically evaluate professional development needs in relation to Masters study

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:Reflective thinking and writing Approaches to learning as an adult A critical examination of the concept of studying at Masters level Conducting a literature search Critical engagement with research and literature Referencing
Additional Information:This module is delivered as part of a fully online programme. It provides a grounding in theory, research and practice for educational professionals with an interest in developing their ability to perform well at Masters level and apply theoretical understanding to practice. The assessment should be Max. 4 PowerPoint slides - or equivalent media) with images and text depicting the challenges and opportunities of your personal learning journey in the initial period of Masters study, and a concise plan for actions to strengthen your learning and development during the programme. This must make reference to relevant theories and models.

