Teaching Responsibility

LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:

LJMU Partner Taught

Learning Methods


Module Offerings



The aim of this module is to provide the student with opportunities to explore alternatives to mainstream naturalistic western theatre forms. Within the context of this module, these alternatives are represented by non-western theatre forms and by the theatre of heightened and poetic text. The aim is to enhance the studentĀ“s understanding of both theatre form and structure, and to develop and enhance their personal conceptualization of performance.

Learning Outcomes

Reflect upon, elucidate and demonstrate a critically synthesized understanding of a range of non-western / non-mainstream theatre forms; and the ability to respond creatively and appropriately to these different and differing performance contexts.
Reflect upon, elucidate and demonstrate a clear and informed understanding of specific requirements, strategies and creative imperatives that are integral to the execution of appropriate levels of performance when working with heightened and poetic text.
Reflect upon, elucidate and demonstrate an advancing and developing ability to reflect upon and enhance their personal creative practice as an actor by their analysis of and investigation into alternative theatre forms.

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:This module explores alternative approaches to mainstream naturalist European theatre making practice and performance. In the first part of the module the student engages with, and develops, an awareness of performance using a range of alternative theatre practices. These practices may be drawn from non-western theatre traditions or from emerging contemporary alternative forms from the west (which may include, for example, Performance Art practice). Through these explorations students will be asked to question the nature of the relationship between the audience, the performance and the culture from which that alternative form grew and developed. The second part of the module will involve the students in the exploration of the form, structure and particularities of heightened / poetic theatre text performance. For the purposes of the module, heightened text is defined as language that has characteristics that distinguish it markedly from everyday speech, and is poetic and elevated in nature (such as Shakespeare, Congreve, Becket et al) Through their explorations of these alternatives, the student will be challenged and asked to question and enhance their current personal understanding of their performance / acting process; and will become further enriched and empowered as a performer.
Additional Information:The module will allow students to analyse, critique and explore alternatives to mainstream naturalistic western theatre forms. Assessment is via two studio performances.

